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tw; beginning of a panic attack

I walked into the kitchen after sneaking out of bed this morning, hoping to find Matt so I could tell him to control his kids. Instead I ran into Kristy, who was sitting at the breakfast nook, looking through her phone as she sipped on a cup of coffee.

"Kristy," I sat down next to her. "Your kids are cock blocks."

Kristy tilted her head in confusion. "What did they do?"

"The twins walked in on me and JJ last night."

"Oh my god." she started laughing, covering her mouth. "They did not!"

"They did! Apparently I forgot to give them a night night kiss? Which I didn't know anything about, by the way, so thanks for telling me that." I quipped sarcastically, laughing along with her. "But I told them I was going to have private time with JJ yet they still walked in."

"The kids have basically no boundaries. I can barely shower alone."

"If they even try to walk in on me and JJ when we're in the bathroom-"

"We'll keep them busy, don't worry." Kristy placed a hand over mine. "You feel strongly about her, don't you?"

My voice dropped into a whisper. "I- I don't do feelings, Kristy, you know this. Not since..."

"I know it's hard, and I know you're still struggling from that, but I see the way you look at her. You look at her like she's your everything." 

"She is my everything." I smiled. "When we lay in bed, she whispers sweet nothings into my ear, sometimes in English, sometimes in Spanish. She does her best to make sure I'm okay, and that I'm fine with everything happening around us. She really cares for me. I didn't know that was possible."

"You seem to really like her a lot, Y/N."

"I- You're implying that I have feelings, Kristy. I don't."

"You need to stop being so stubborn." She poked my arm.

"You need to stop being so pushy." I joked back. "Whatever we have right now... it's nice. We didn't really put a label on it yet, but we're... what's the word?"


"Yeah, that. We're coexisting in each other's presence and it just... it feels right, you know? Like I truly belong in her arms."

Kristy laughed. "You have it bad, Y/N."

"I do not!"

"You do too!" she paused, a smile on her face. "Whatever you do, don't let her go. She makes you happy, and you make her happy too. I know it's been rough for you since everything happened but you know deep down, that she won't do that to you. She won't do what she did." she waited til I looked at her. "I've known her for a day, and I already know that she is the best thing to happen to you in the past six years. Relationships are scary, I get that. But you're not hearing this from me, I honestly think she's the one."

"Matt said that last time and look where it got me."

Kristy sighed. "I know you don't believe me, but after hearing her talk about you, I just know that you two need to get together for real. She's absolutely enamored with you. I promised her I wouldn't tell you what she said, but all I'm going to say is you need to keep her. She's good for you, and you're good for her."

As if on cue, JJ walked into the kitchen, going straight to my arms. I chuckled as she leaned against my shoulder, letting out a groan.

I looked to Kristy. "Do you think you can keep the kids occupied long enough for us to get a bit more sleep?"

The Way You Make Me Feel [ J.J ]Where stories live. Discover now