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The sun shined through the curtains, laying neatly across the bed. I yawned and stretched as I ignored the pounding headache I had, my mind shifting tracks as I realized that the bed was empty. And I wasn't in my room. Bits and pieces of the night before started to come back as I sat up, rubbing at my eyes. I looked at the clock on the bedside table, which read 8am in big red numbers. I had two hours till my first class of the day started, so I had more than enough time to get back to campus. I went to get out of bed when I noticed a note, which looked like it had been written in a hurry.

I know, waking up to an empty bed was the last thing you wanted, but sadly I have to be in my office today by 8am. I left some coffee on the kitchen counter for you, as well as some painkillers- you might want them. I hope you had a great night :)

I smiled as I lightly ran my finger across the paper, knowing that even though she probably left in a hurry, she still took the time to write the note. It was sweet, seeing that a one night stand like her could be sweeter than anyone I had ever hooked up with in my entire life. Granted, there was a small chance I would ever see her again, but the thought made its way into my mind, finding a little nook to settle itself in as I quietly manifested myself seeing her again after last night. And knowing how needy I could get, I most definitely would be longing for her touch within the week. After grabbing all of my clothes from her floor I made my way out into the kitchen, smiling as I saw the painkillers sitting next to the coffee maker, which was still warm. Next to it was my purse and my phone sitting out on the counter. I scrolled through my notifications, chuckling as I had a few drunk texts from Emily and Elle, as well as one from Derek making sure I was okay. I shot a quick response to all of them to let them know I was alive and looked up the directions back to the dorm as I sipped on the coffee, noticing that her place was only a fifteen minute walk from my dorm. What were the chances? I ripped a piece of paper off the pad that had been left out on the kitchen counter, writing a quick little i had fun... call me again sometime ;) with my number, leaving it on the counter for her.

I made it back to my dorm by 8:30, and made my way upstairs to my room on the fourth floor, unlocking it and going inside, closing the door behind me. I leant up against it, smiling to myself. I couldn't believe I did that. I ran my fingers through my hair, letting out a little laugh. Was that actually me who went home with a stranger last night? Little Miss "I-go-to-bed-at-ten-pm" ended up going home with a smoking hot chick, getting some of the best sex of her life and on top of that, got the aftercare that I truly and desperately needed. I started to walk over to my closet, stopping when I saw my reflection in the full length mirror that I had hung up on my wall. A nice hickey was forming on the nape of my neck, and I inwardly cursed- I totally forgot she had left one there at some point during the night. And of course, the one time that I truly needed them, I didn't have any turtlenecks. Great. I sent a text to Elle, knowing that she of all people would be able to help me, considering the amount of marks Emily left on her all the time.

[8:34am] hickey control. help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Within five minutes my door was opening, and Elle was standing in what I liked to call the "mini hallway" to my room. She looked me up and down, and that's when I realized I definitely was still wearing her clothes from the night before.

"Oh, she's alive!"

"Yeah yeah save it. Help."

"Damn okay, someone's sassy this morning." Elle chuckled as she went to my desk, grabbing what minimal makeup I had and turning to face me. "Do you have any color correcting concealers?"

"Any what?"

"Figured. Okay, uh... well, we're gonna hope for the best."

Elle went to work after a quick consult with Emily over Facetime, and by the time she was done it was pretty much gone. She wiggled her eyebrows at me and I slapped her on the arm, giggling at her absurd expressions.

The Way You Make Me Feel [ J.J ]Where stories live. Discover now