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I once again woke up in JJ's bed, smiling to myself as I stretched, getting up and rubbing my eyes. It was a bit earlier than the last time I was here, since my natural sleep cycle woke me up early. I heard some commotion out in the kitchen and smiled to myself, imagining JJ cooking breakfast for the two of us to munch on while we got ready for the day. I had waited for this moment for so long- to wake up to someone making breakfast for me. I couldn't believe it was finally here. I walked out of her room, throwing my hair up into a messy bun.

"Ros, it's- it's not that hard to understand."

I stopped before I turned the corner, biting my lip. Ros as in, her sister? Roslyn? I didn't know that Roslyn was supposed to be coming over this morning. In fact, JJ hadn't mentioned at all that anyone was coming over this morning. If she had known people were going to be here, why did she let me stay?

"You know I can't make french toast as good as you do."

"I literally use mom's recipe. It's not that hard."

I peeked my head around the corner, watching the two sisters dance around each other. I took a good look at Roslyn, and I could tell automatically that she was JJ's sister. They had the same color hair and practically the same color eyes, though she was a few inches taller and a bit more broad shouldered than JJ was. I bit my thumb as they jokingly bantered, JJ laughing as Roslyn went to pour an egg into the pan with the toast- even I knew not to do that when cooking french toast. You coat the bread in the egg before you put it on the pan. I shifted my position and accidentally knocked my knee against the wall, causing both JJ and Roslyn to look over at me.

"Oh, uh... hello?"

"Sorry, I um... hi."

"Jayje, who's this?" Roslyn turned to JJ, confused.

"Uh... I uh... Roslyn, meet Y/N. Um... she's my uh...."

"We're not labeled."

"Ah. I see." the older blonde raised her eyebrow. "How long?"


"How long have you known her?"

"Oh, not that long."

This was not going good.

"We're just 'vibing it', as my friend Derek would say." I jumped in, trying to take the spotlight off of her.  "Sorry, I didn't mean to bother you two. I can-"

"No, Y/N, it's okay." JJ turned to me. "I should have mentioned last night that she was coming over. I forgot."

"That's fine. I'll just... I'm gonna go put a bra on."

I turned around and sped walked back into JJ's room, shutting the door behind me. That was her sister standing in the kitchen. Her sister who is a teacher, who knows how unethical our situation was. This was great. This was just great. Peachy, even. I couldn't believe that I let myself think that this was going to go perfect. Because it wasn't. It wasn't going perfect and it pissed me off because I haven't had a good multiple night stand in a hot second and the fact that it's getting worse and worse by the minute was annoying. Brushing my thoughts about our situation to the side, I grabbed my bra from yesterday that was sitting on the floor and slipped it on, looking at myself in the mirror to make sure I looked half decent before I went back out towards the kitchen, where JJ and Roslyn were talking in hushed tones.

"Do you think I expected this to happen, Ros? I ran into her and we clicked. Okay? It's as simple as that."

"She's ten years younger than you. She's basically a child."

"She has a name, and her name is Y/N. She's an adult who can make her own decisions," JJ started to defend me. "Y/N could have ended this before it even started and you know what she did? She came and talked to me, about her fears and everything about the nature of our relationship. And we decided to not label it so we can figure everything out. So what she's younger than me? I don't care. A relationship hasn't felt this right in a long time. And I'm not ruining that because she's younger than me, okay?"

The Way You Make Me Feel [ J.J ]Where stories live. Discover now