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The next morning JJ and I reluctantly crawled out of bed, considering that I promised I'd help Emily and Elle set up which by default meant that JJ would be coming too. I pulled on a nice red top that I had found in the back of my closet and paired it with some jeans and my converse. I looked to see JJ in a tight bodysuit, staring at me through the mirror as I curled my hair. A pair of pants sat on the bed, but they definitely would not be going on anytime soon if I had a say in it. She walked over to me giving me a hug from behind and placing a couple of kisses on my neck.

"Jennifer if you tease me anymore I am going to undress you and fuck you and we're going to be late."

"Late, sshmate." JJ smirked at me. "I'm sure they'll understand."

"Oh they will, but they know I'm punctual and they'll think something is wrong. So put your pants on or I will leave you here without directions to Emily's apartment."

JJ pouted and went back to her pants, pulling them on while making silly faces at me in the mirror. I finally finished curling my hair, running my fingers through it to give it a more natural look as I turned around, going over to my bag to find my earrings I wanted to wear. Of course, the one time I wanted to wear my new hoop earrings I didn't pack them. I sighed, putting my studs back in before grabbing my lipstick and putting a layer on. I laughed as JJ tried to kiss me in an effort to mess it up, pushing her back and jokingly yelling at her to get away from me as I did so. We finally made it out into the kitchen, me sneaking around JJ to grab a cereal bar before we left, taking the container of gifts and going out to my car.

The ride to Emily's apartment was roughly ten minutes, and I parked on the little side street that was the only place near her apartment with free parking. JJ had offered to pay but I told her no. We carried the presents up to her apartment, knocking lightly as I heard rummaging from inside the apartment, followed up by a string of swear words. Elle opened the door, a sour look on her face as her hand went back to clutch her elbow. I chuckled as I walked inside, meeting Emily in the family room. JJ stood back for a second, gawking at the beauty of Emily's apartment. I went on with what I was tasked to do, shooting looks back to JJ every now and then as she discovered something new that she didn't see before. By the time lunch rolled around, the apartment was basically decorated and everything was set up to go. Kate had texted to tell us she was called into work last minute, which we were sad about but understood. There were always other times we could hang out with her.

"Oh wait!" Elle jumped up, holding something in her hand. "I almost forgot this."

"What is it?"

"Mistletoe, obviously." she taped it to the doorframe, fixing some of the string lights so it could be seen. "Someone stand under it. I want to make sure it's centered."

I grabbed JJ's hand, slyly handing Elle my phone as we walked by her, silently telling her to take a picture of us under the mistletoe. I stood underneath it and grabbed JJ's hand, pulling her in and kissing her. My hand went to sit on her chest as she wrapped her arms around me, both of us giggling as we heard the camera sounds going off. I snuck in another little kiss before taking my phone back from Elle, leaning up against JJ's side and scrolling through them. I chose a couple that were the nicest, cropping them and putting them onto instagram before looking up at JJ for permission to post. She nodded and I captioned it "the love of my life" and pressed the post button, getting ready for the waves of comments I was going to get asking who she was.

Everyone started rolling in around 4pm, since we were doing dinner at 5:30. I helped Emily set the table, making sure everything was in its place before we went to join everyone else. I shimmied myself under JJ's arm, leaning into her side as I sat next to her on the couch.

The Way You Make Me Feel [ J.J ]Where stories live. Discover now