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tw; underage drinking

Penelope was able to help us doctor fake text messages and pictures, which we would bring in as proof that we met at a bookstore. Not that we would need it, but it would be safe to have it.  We ran over our story a couple of times, making sure we both had the same little details down to a T. We were going to do everything to make sure nothing happened, and that we got out of this with as little harm as possible. I knew that it was practically unheard of, leaving situations like this intact, but I trusted JJ with my life. And we had already been through so much, what wasn't to say we'd be able to make it through this? I couldn't believe this was happening. I really couldn't. The one time I'm truly happy, of course it turns to shit. It was almost like I couldn't have anything sometimes, but at the same time I had everything. I had a great group of friends, a girlfriend and a family that loved me. I was getting a great education and I had a job lined up. I couldn't just ignore all the good things and surround myself with the bad. My life was shitty right now, sure, but I knew it would get better. It had to.

My phone buzzed on my desk and I grabbed it, seeing Matt's name pop up on my screen.


"Hey Chica. How's my favorite sister doing?"

"Not good."

Matt sighed. "What happened?"

"JJ's sister- she uh... someone she knows told Dean Strauss that JJ and I are together."

"Oh no."

"Yeah um... I have to meet with Dean Strauss next week and I- I don't know if I can... I don't know if I can go through the pain of losing her again."

"Again?" Matt shot me a questioning look.

"Long story."

"Okay, I won't question it. But someone really told Dean Strauss?"

"Yeah. I don't know what she and Rosaline talked about the morning I met her but JJ made it clear that she didn't care about what Rosaline thought. I don't know what happened after that because I left shortly after but... Matt it's not good."

"What are you guys going to do about it?"

"I don't know. I really don't know. Worst case scenario I get kicked off campus and I can just transfer my credits to my safety school. I don't know what's going to happen to JJ though. Or my job. Oh my god Matt, what if I lose my job?"

"I doubt Luke will let you lose your job, Y/N."

"But this looks so bad. I'm going to be kicked off of campus for screwing my teacher and I'm going to lose my job. Matt I'm fucked. I'm actually fucked and-"

"Breathe, Chica." Matt paused. "I'll talk to Luke, I'll make sure your spot is-"

"You don't have to. It's my fault."

"None of this is your fault, bub." I could tell Matt was itching to bring me in for a hug, and hated that he couldn't. "Whoever this Rosaline chick is, it's her fault. Whatever she did to get it to the board, it's got nothing to do with you."

"We don't know that for sure."

"You two were extremely careful. I know you, and I know you wouldn't have done anything to get her in trouble on purpose. And although I don't know JJ that well, I know she wouldn't do that either. This isn't your fault, Y/N. Trust me."

"It feels like it is. If I had never gone to that club-"

"You'd be silently pining over her. You wouldn't be as happy as you are right now. Did you know the kids noticed how happy you were with her? They asked me when JJ was coming back so they could thank her for making you so happy."

The Way You Make Me Feel [ J.J ]Where stories live. Discover now