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After our little adventure today, I dropped Elle back at the dorms and made my way to JJ's place. I knew I had to tell her about what happened, since we promised we would be open about as much as we were willing to. I didn't want to tell her, but I knew I had to.

"Hello, darling." JJ wrapped her arms around me, and I took in a big breath. "You're so cold."

I chuckled. "Elle didn't bring a jacket when we went shopping today so I let her borrow mine."

"You're going to make yourself sick." JJ looked into my eyes.

"Bold of you to assume I'm not already sick."

I walked past her, slipping off my shoes by the other ones, going into her living room. She followed me, and I could just tell she was concerned.

"What do you mean? What's going on, Y/N?"

"I uh... It's nothing, just something someone said to me today."

She grabbed my hands, staring me in the eye. "What did they say?"

"I uh, it was insinuated that I was sick for dating someone who's older than me earlier."

JJ's demeanor changed. "I'll kick Elle's ass-"

"It wasn't Elle, babe." I paused, trying to figure out if I wanted to tell her or not. "It was Rosaline."


"She uh... she must be in town or something because she found me and Elle earlier. She basically said I was..."

"I'm going to murder her. I can't believe she said that to you."

"Baby please."

"No, Y/N, this isn't okay. She shouldn't be finding you and insulting you because you're with me. I don't know what her agenda is, but it needs to stop."

"Darling, it's not worth it." I placed my hand on her chest in an effort to calm her down. "She's just trying to make me upset. I know that it's not true. I'm not leaving you just because your sister thinks it's not okay."

"She insulted you, Y/N. That's not what she should be doing." JJ sighed. "I told my mom, about the fight Rosaline and I got in. She said she'd try and talk to her, but clearly it didn't work."

"Hey," I waited until she looked at me. "She probably just needs some time to adjust to the change. You went from being single for ten years to being happy. It's a stark difference from what you were."

"I know, but it's not okay." she pulled away from me, starting to pace back and forth. "She shouldn't have done that."

"I'm not saying she should have."

"She verbally abused you, Y/N. You're just letting it slide?"

"I'm not letting it slide, JJ. I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt."

"Well you shouldn't."

The change in her tone of voice startled me, and I stepped away from her. The last time I had seen her this mad was when she had confronted me about Kate, and it was freaking me out a little bit. I watched her pace back and forth, muttering to herself as she ran her hands through her hair, staring at the phone that was sitting on the table.

"Darling, you're scaring me."

She either didn't hear me or chose to not respond, continuing her pacing back and forth as she tried to absorb everything that was happening. I understood her anger, but at the same time, I didn't want her to make her relationship with Rosaline worse than it already was. I watched with wide eyes as she grabbed her phone, walking into her bedroom and slamming the door. I stood there for a moment, stunned by what just happened. I had no idea that she was going to react the way that she did. Rosaline was just being protective. I think.

The Way You Make Me Feel [ J.J ]Where stories live. Discover now