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There was no way this was happening. This couldn't be happening. I was just having a bad dream, right? I was going to wake up in my bed with my alarm going off, and this would all just be the first day of the semester jitters. That had to be what was happening. I pinched myself, making sure that I was dreaming.

I wasn't dreaming.

The woman- Jennifer, snapped her gaze away from me. "So, Technical Communications. What is it? Well, what you're questioning happens to be a very broad term."

I did everything but make eye contact with Jennifer. Ms. Jareau. Were we on a first name basis? I mean... I did see her naked. But that was before I knew she was going to be my teacher. Oh god, what have I gotten myself into? I could not be attracted to my teacher. This was wrong on so many levels. So many levels that I couldn't see where they ended on the pyramid of levels. I'm royally fucked. Oh my god, what was Elle going to say?!

"What does a technical communicator do?" she looked at me, almost as if she could hear my thoughts. "You, in the University of Pittsburgh shirt- what's your name?"

"Um.. Y/N Y/L/N"

"Ms. Y/L/N, what do you think a technical communicator does?"

I thought for a second. "Probably help people who need specific information, I would think."

"Exactly. You know your stuff." she smirked, turning back towards her powerpoint, clicking to the next slide. "The main purpose of a technical communicator is to assist users who need specific information on completing tasks, using products, so on so forth. Not only that, but it helps out businesses in different ways..."

I looked back down to my iPad, realizing now that I had zero notes written down and she was already on the fifth slide. I bit the inside of my lip and forced myself to pay attention, pushing back every single dirty thought about her that was forming in the forefront of my brain because now was not the time to be thinking of her in bed last night. I did my best to write down as many notes as I could moving forward, knowing that I would have to go back to the slideshow later- that was, if she even put the slideshow up on the class website. It was hard for me to focus, and I couldn't help but let my mind keep wandering, only coming back to reality when I could feel her eyes staring at me. By the time class was over, I had the smallest amount of notes I think I had ever taken in a class, and she had whizzed through the slideshow. I knew then and there that I was more screwed than I thought.

"Alright, that concludes your first class. Reminder to go over the slideshow on the class website and come prepared on Wednesday to talk about your thoughts on Chapter 1!"

I slowly packed my things away, making sure I was one of the last people in the classroom before locking eyes with Ms. Jareau. We both stood there for a second before she grabbed her bag and started walking towards me, silently telling me to follow her. I waited a second before following her, trying to make it less obvious that we were both going to where I presumed her office was, just in case anyone else was watching. I followed her down the hall and towards her office, smiling politely at her as I slipped past her, waiting for her to shut the door.

"You're still in my shirt." she smiled as she walked towards her desk, leaning against it. "It looks good on you."

"I uh-" I nervously gulped. "Thank you?"

A chuckle fell from her lips. "So, last night..."

"If I had known-"

"You don't have to be sorry, Y/N." I swooned at the sound of my name falling out of her mouth. "I had a lot of fun last night. And I'm sorry I had to leave before you woke up."

The Way You Make Me Feel [ J.J ]Where stories live. Discover now