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tw; throw up mention

I left JJ's apartment after we ate dinner, telling her that I should go back to my dorm so I didn't miss classes tomorrow. She tried to get me to stay, but I told her I'd see her again soon, promising I would spend time with her within the next week. I played with the hem of my shirt, well... her shirt, smiling at myself as I thought over everything that had happened over the past few days, and everything that could happen. I made my way back upstairs, smiling and humming one of the songs that JJ played for me in the car quietly to myself, twirling the end of my hair around my finger. Unlocking my door and making my way inside, I went to set my things down when I was met with Elle, letting out a yelp.


"Aaron was nice enough to unlock your door for me to let me in. And you're not getting away this time. Sit down and tell me about everything going on with Jennifer that you didn't tell me."

"I-" I hesitated.

"You're being very strange, Y/N. "

"No!" I answered quickly. Way too quickly. "No I'm not."  Elle gave me her signature look, and I caved. "Okay, fine. Everything on the table. Elle she... she's different. Remember how you felt when you first met Emily?"

"Like I was going to pass out at her beauty?"

"Yeah. Imagine feeling that every second you're with her. But multiply it by a thousand. It's like I'm dancing around in a field of roses with her by my side and we're surrounded by butterflies and-"

"You really like her, don't you?"

"What? No I- I don't like what you're implying, Eleanor. I don't do feelings." 

"Oh but you do have feelings. You just hate them." She gave me a pointed look. "Now come 'ere, tell me all that you feel like you can tell me. Okay? We'll figure it out together."

"Don't you have a date with Emily tonight?"

"Yeah but... this is more important."

"No, your girlfriend of five years years is more important than my multiple night stand. Go get ready to woo the pants off of your girl."

"Bold of you to assume that I have to do anything to get Emily's pants off-"

"Bye, Elle."

When I shut the door behind her I turned around and sighed, grabbing my bag and unpacking from the weekend. I pulled out a couple shirts I didn't realize JJ had slipped inside, and chuckled to myself when I realized that she must have taken some of my shirts. Elle's comment about me catching feelings for JJ flew through my mind and I stood there, thinking. Did I actually like her like that? I mean, this was the weirdest one night turned multiple night stand I think I've ever had. Imagine having a one night stand and finding out that said one night stand was your English teacher. Your hot as fuck English teacher who you absolutely wanted to keep seeing.

But it was too early for the feelings thing, wasn't it? There was no way I could have caught feelings this fast. I don't think it was possible that I would have caught feelings this fast. I mean, we literally did just meet a little over a week ago. I bit my lip as I hung up the clothes she gave me, trying to calm down my racing thoughts. I hadn't felt this strongly about a person ever. Sure, I had my little relationships or whatever in high school but they never lasted more than a few months. Nothing ever felt right. But this? This felt right. Being with Jennifer was like having everything you wanted in the world, but more. It felt like seeing Christmas lights up for the first time, or getting an A on your term paper. The stars aligned and brought us together, and as cheesy as that sounded I knew it was true.

The Way You Make Me Feel [ J.J ]Where stories live. Discover now