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We got back to the house around 9pm, the kids crashing from staying up late. JJ and I went into the bedroom, barely making it out of our clothes before we crawled into the bed. By the next morning I was sore in all the right places, and I was afraid I wasn't going to be able to drive back to school later this afternoon. I was meeting with Luke for brunch and then was going to meet the team, since JJ and I had to leave before it got too late. I crawled out of bed and pulled on the nicest business casual look I could find, remembering Luke telling me that their dress code wasn't too snazzy.  JJ watched me get dressed from bed, and I was sad that I couldn't spend the rest of the morning with her and had to go work. I gave her a kiss before I snuck out of the house without the kids seeing me, seeing them hanging out in the backyard with Matt. I was glad I checked my phone before I left, Luke telling me to come straight to the FBI building rather than going out to brunch. I pulled into parking a bit later and met him outside, smiling at him as he pulled me into a light hug.

"Professor- sorry, Luke. Nice to see you again!"

"Same to you, Y/N. Are you ready to meet the team?" he smiled, bringing me to the desk to sign me in as a guest.

"I'm more than ready. I couldn't sleep last night from all the excitement."

"Your brother was telling me how excited you were, it was the only thing he could talk about the other day."

"This is my dream job, of course I'm excited." I took the guest badge, clipping it onto my blazer. "I've been waiting for this for so long."

"Well, I'm glad you're here."

He took us to the sixth floor, and through a set of glass doors to the bullpen. Matt had told me about this, since he had been there a handful of times when the IRT was called in to help with cases. It looked exactly how he explained it, and I took it all in. I was going to be working here in roughly two months. Everything about the bullpen screamed family, and it was clear that everyone who worked in here loved working together, and the whole atmosphere of the place felt calming. It was like the feeling I got whenever I walked into JJ's apartment. This was going to be my new home, and I couldn't wait.

"So, this is our bullpen. Through that door up there is the office of our Unit Chief Tara Lewis."

"Ah, is this the newbie?" a woman came up to us, smiling. "Hi, I'm Alex Blake. I'm so excited to be working with you!"

"Y/N Y/L/N. And I'm not starting until January, Luke was just nice enough to show me around while I was home for the weekend."

"Look at you, trying to get onto Tara's good side." Alex joked. "Tara and him have some fake beef, it's the talk of the office."

"We don't have fake beef, Blake." Luke rolled his eyes.

"And whose office is that?" I asked, pointing to the one with the shades drawn.

"David Rossi."

I did a double take. "David Rossi? You mean the bouncer at the club I met my girlfriend at, David Rossi?"

"I... I wasn't aware he bounced at clubs." Alex looked to Luke, who shrugged.

"Back in August, my friends and I went out dancing. He was bouncing."

"Wait..." Alex looked at me. "How old are you? Aren't you a little young to be clubbing?"

My face turned red, realizing my slip up. "We don't talk about that."

Alex simply chuckled as Luke excused us, continuing to take me on a tour of the bullpen. He showed me all the hot spots, the tech analyst's office and finally the round table room, where we went over all of our cases. I sat down in one of the chairs, smiling to myself as I realized that I officially had a job. Even if the paperwork wasn't filled yet, it was still mine. Luke chuckled at me as I spun around in the chair, taking everything in. I couldn't believe that I finally had my dream job, my dream girl, and everything was going how I wanted it to go.

The Way You Make Me Feel [ J.J ]Where stories live. Discover now