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I woke up a few hours before my alarm, realizing that I wouldn't be getting more sleep. Last night was the worst sleep I've had in awhile. I tossed and turned, and kept reaching out for JJ. I ultimately gave into the no sleep urges and got up early, taking advantage of the extra time I gave myself this morning and making myself look decent. I was going to see her in class today, so I might as well make use of it. I knew nobody else was going to be up to get breakfast with me this early, since out of the four of us I was the only one with classes before 11am. I don't know how they pulled it off, but they did, and I was jealous. Part of me loved waking up early though- it was calm in the mornings, and campus wasn't busy yet which made it easier for me to take in the beauty of it all.

The leaves were just starting to fall as I made my way towards the Campus Cafe, morning mildew still evident on the grass. The sun was peeking over one of the science buildings, and it bounced off of the windows, creating a little glow between the buildings. It was starting to get a bit chilly, but not chilly enough to need a winter jacket just yet. I was glad that I wore the knitted sweater I had gotten from Target, knowing that I would have been freezing otherwise. I finally made it to the Campus Cafe and walked inside, the aroma of fresh coffee filling the air. Behind the bar was the barista Kate, who I've seen pretty much every time I come here. I swear she never leaves.

"Well look who it is! My favorite regular!"

"Good morning to you too, Kate." I smiled.

"Your usual?"

"Yes please!"

I paid and went over to find a table, placing down my bookbag in a little corner nook overlooking the quad. I heard my name called and I got up, smiling at Kate as she handed me my breakfast sandwich and coffee. I sat back down at the table I had picked out, realizing that someone had written their number on my cup. And that someone was Kate. I looked back up to see her smiling at me with a blush creeping up on her cheeks, glancing back down to the cup and back up to me again. I let out a chuckle, grabbing my phone and putting her number in, opening a new text message and shooting her a quick text before I started eating.

[7:45am] damn kate, you're bold bold this morning

[7:47am- kate the barista] for you? of course i am ;)

I couldn't help but let a blush creep over my cheeks as I looked up at Kate again, who winked at me. Did Kate like me? I mean, she went far enough to leave me her number on my coffee cup. Hanging out with her wouldn't hurt, would it? My phone buzzed again a couple minutes later and I looked down, seeing Kate's name pop up again.

[7:56am- kate the barista] are you free this afternoon?

[7:57am] as a matter of fact, i am. are you asking me out, ms. barista?

[7:57am- kate the barista] mmmmmmmmmmaybe

[7:58am] i get out of class at 3:45 :)

I finished my breakfast and shot a smile at Kate, who waved at me. I made it to the Criminology building and got to my classroom, waiting outside the doors for a little bit before class started. Kate and I texted all morning in between rushes, and she was actually quite funnier than I thought she was going to be. Part of me couldn't help but think this was wrong, considering I had such strong... whatever they were for JJ and I didn't want to let her down, but part of me knew that JJ and I were still in the no strings attached phase, and even though we were trying nothing was official yet. There was a chance that nothing would ever be official. I pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind. Kate and I were just friends. Nothing more, nothing less.

Classes flew by, and next thing I knew I was sitting in Technical Communications, watching as JJ taught a lesson on the different types of ways to communicate within a business. She kept looking up at me and I just knew she was trying to get my attention, which she had. Mostly. Kate and I had been texting the whole lesson, my phone hidden on my lap as I pretended to take notes that I knew I was just going to end up taking later. We talked about a lot of stuff, and it ended up that we had a lot of the same interests. It was pretty crazy how in my three years here I never managed to be friends with her. Class ended early, since the lesson JJ was teaching was a bit shorter, and I made sure to pack up all of my stuff before walking to the door, pausing as I turned around to look at her. I shot her a small smile and a wave, to which she returned with a curt nod. I couldn't tell what she was thinking, but I didn't think it was good. She didn't look happy.

The Way You Make Me Feel [ J.J ]Where stories live. Discover now