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Halloween fell on a Saturday this year, which meant I was able to go home for the weekend and surprise the kids. Everyone else was going to many parties that were taking place over the next few days, but JJ and I had other plans. After I told her that the kids expected her to be with me next time I came home and she agreed to come with, I had picked out some stupid matching t-shirts off of etsy for us to wear. We were going to wear them on Halloween, one of them saying "her trick" and the other saying "her treat". She didn't know what they said, only that I had picked out a surprise and we were leaving soon as I got to her apartment building. I told her my classes were cancelled for the day which was why we could leave so early, but she didn't have to know I was skipping them. She met me outside of her apartment building and climbed into the car, placing a giant kiss on my lips as I pulled out onto the street, heading towards I-1.

"So what's the surprise?" her eyebrows raised. "I'm curious."

"They're in the bag at your feet, if you desperately need to look at them now."

She chuckled as she opened the bag, seeing what was inside. "You got us matching shirts?"

"I did. I hope that's not like... too soon or anything but-"

"They're beautiful. I love them."

She slipped one of the shirts on over her tank top, throwing her sweater into the back seat by our bags. I let her take the aux cord, letting her turn on a new playlist that I hadn't heard yet as we pulled onto the highway.

"What's this one?"


"This playlist?"

"Oh, just something I cooked up." she smiled. "Songs that remind me of my..." she trailed off. "Can I call you my girlfriend?"

I blushed, grabbing her hand and placing a kiss to it. "Of course you can. I'd love to be your girlfriend."

"Yeah?" JJ's smile got even bigger.


The rest of the ride went smoothly, and we made it back to Kristy and Matt's about an hour and a half later. I unlocked the front door, explaining that Kristy had started working in her new office building and that she should be home sometime this afternoon. But knowing our luck, we would be stuck with the kids for the whole afternoon because somehow she would get stuck at the office. Matt knew I was coming home and told Kristy not to worry, but didn't tell us anything about what time we could expect either of them to be home. He did tell us, though, to get home early as we could because the kids had a half day. Hence the reason I skipped my classes today. We dropped our bags off in the bedroom and I went straight to the kitchen, grabbing some food since I hadn't eaten since Elle forced me to eat last night. JJ curled up on the couch and turned on the TV, flipping through the channels as I came in to sit next to her. She held her arm out and I snuggled into her side, a plate with a simple Smucker's PB&J and some grapes sitting in a paper bowl. I received a sideways glance from JJ, to which I simply placed a kiss on her cheek and rested my head on her shoulder. We watched some reruns of The Office until the kids came rushing inside, not seeing us laying on the couch at first. They ran around the house, trying to find us until Chloe squealed, seeing my foot pop out from over the top of the couch.

"Y/N! Y/N!" she ran to me, stopping as she saw who was on the couch with me. "Jenny-fer!"

"Ah hello little one!" I opened my arms to her, bringing her in for a big hug. "And who are you supposed to be?"

"I'm a kitty cat!" she smiled, pointing out her whiskers. "Lilly dress up as a princess just like Anna from Frozen!"

As if on cue, Lilly came running in, a Princess Anna costume on. "Y/N! Jennifer!"

The Way You Make Me Feel [ J.J ]Where stories live. Discover now