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I woke up the next morning absolutely terrified. I was waiting for my email from Dean Strauss to schedule our appointment, and I was dreading it. Thankfully I had already finished my midterms since they were all earlier in the week so I had today free, which meant I could go to JJ's and we could talk about what was going to happen. Our plan was to try and convince the board that nothing about our relationship was being used to either of our advantages, and I knew that it was going to be the hardest thing I've ever had to do. They didn't know we were dating- if you could even call what we were doing dating- but they knew we had sexual relations, which most likely meant that they were scared of a Title Nine violation being filed against them. Which I would never do that to JJ.

Everything we did was consensual, there was no denial in it anywhere. Never once did I ever feel like she was making me uncomfortable, or doing things that she shouldn't be doing. We had talked about our boundaries and made them clear. So I could automatically clear that off the plate. I knew that wouldn't be an issue, but everything else was. The whole situation practically reeked of internalized homophobia, either on Rosaline's side or Dean Strauss' side. Most likely Rosaline, since she was the one who freaked out the most out of the six people who knew about us. I never got the chance to actually get to know Rosaline, but right now she was on my shit list. And it would take a lot to get her off.

From the moment I met JJ, I knew I wanted to be with her. I wanted to be in her arms all day, wanted to kiss her underneath the pale moonlight on her balcony, all of the typical romance shit that you would do with anyone. The stupid little stolen glances from across the room, or the stolen touches as we moved around her kitchen. The sending of our kids off to their first day of school at their bus stop while we hold our coffee mugs and watch them climb onto the bus. The first Christmas, the first Valentine's day, my first real New Year's Eve kiss that wasn't just a kiss on my cheeks from Matt and Kristy. The whole nine yards. I didn't care what happened, as long as I had JJ coming out of this. I wanted her in my life.

I needed her in my life.

Not only that, but if word got to the FBI about what happened, they might take away my job. Of course, that was a last case scenario but it was still a possibility. This was my dream job, and I wasn't about to let the assholes of my school take it away from me because they were more concerned about the fact that one of their faculty members had a sex life. This whole situation was shitty. It was shitty and I hated it. All I asked for was a happy relationship and someone in our lives just had to go and ruin it. All because she was upset that her sister was getting more orgasms than she ever would with a dick. There was no way we were going to let a jealous sister get in the way of our relationship. Right? We were going to make it through this and come out stronger than before.

I heard a knock on my door and jumped, realizing that in my haze I had somehow gotten out of bed and started pacing back and forth. I unlocked my door after peeking through the peephole, seeing Elle standing outside.

"Elle I'm in deep shit."

"Good morning to you too?" she pushed past me, waiting til I shut the door. "What's wrong?"

"The board found out. Dean Strauss wants to talk to me and JJ-"

"Hold the fucking phone." she held her hand up. "How'd they find out? I told nobody and neither did Emily."

I sighed. "Her sister. She complained to a friend about us and somehow it got to the hands of the board. Neither of us know how it happened. But we do know that we're in deep shit and honestly I don't know if I'll be able to get out."

"I'm going to kill her sister."

"Get in line." I chuckled, the reality of the situation setting in. "I'm getting reprimanded for my relationship because people hate age gaps and lesbians and if word of this gets to the FBI I'm going to lose my job."

The Way You Make Me Feel [ J.J ]Where stories live. Discover now