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tw; smut, toy usage, squirting

After our... eventful morning, JJ and I decided it would be a good idea to just stay in and relax instead of trying to go out like we were originally going to do. We also ended up having our looming talk about boundaries, and what we were okay with and weren't okay with going forward- and that we absolutely promised to say if something hurt us in anything that we did. This whole situation was weird, and we were both aware of that. It was something that was going to be hovering over our heads the whole time I was in school, and we knew that it could mean some serious shit for both of us if something were to happen. It was terrifying to know that at any second either one of us could get the other in trouble, but it was a risk we were willing to take. That I was willing to take.

We ordered in Chinese for lunch and were planning on watching a movie, but we most definitely got distracted. Our food was long forgotten on the counter as we made out, JJ leading me back to the couch. Her hands were all over my body, as were mine on hers, and it finally felt right. We weren't holding back, we weren't hiding from each other, and everything felt like it should be. Her hands reached the waistband of my pants and she started to pull them down, smirking at me as she did so. She moved my underwear and spread my legs apart as far as the couch would let her, slowly moving her head down. A moan fell out of my lips as she started licking, and it felt as good as I remembered it feeling.

Then, my phone rang.

"Fuck, it's Elle."

"Answer it." JJ gave me a devious look.

"Are you-"

The pupils of her eyes got darker. "Answer it."

"Yes ma'am." I clicked the answer button, putting the phone to my ear. "H-Hello?"

"Bro are you like, alive? You haven't answered any of my texts."

"I've been kinda busy." I looked down to JJ, who was looking up at me through her eyelashes.

God that was hot.

"Where the hell are you? We're supposed to go shopping for the Labor Day bash at Alpha Sig!"

"Fuck I-" I drew in a teeny breath as my body lurched at JJ's touch. "I totally forgot. I'm definitely not on campus right now."

There was a pause. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." my voice went up an octave. "I'm fine."

"Mmhmm okay. Um, when will you be back?"

"I don't- fuck!"

"Y/N? Are you getting laid?"

"I uh- I gotta gay- go. I gotta go. Bye."

I hung up and threw my phone back down on the table, biting down on my hand as JJ chuckled at my nervous stuttering. She went back to what she was doing and I grabbed at her hair, feeling myself getting closer and closer. I let go as she pulled away, giving me a few final licks to clean me off.

"That was hot."

"That was hard, the fuck you talking about?!" I pulled JJ closer to me, trying to be mean but ultimately failing as her eyes stared into mine. "I definitely forgot I had plans to go shopping with my friends.."

"Well, do you wanna go?"

I pouted. "I already told them I can't go to the stupid Labor Day party but they're insisting that I at least go shopping with them and I just know they're going to try and drag me to the party either way. I don't wanna go, if I'm being honest."

The Way You Make Me Feel [ J.J ]Where stories live. Discover now