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I spent the next few days with JJ and her mom, still barely talking to Rosaline. Like I had said, it was going to take a lot for me to trust her again, especially after the truth came out about what she did to JJ. Sandy took me in as one of her own, and opened her arms to me quickly. JJ and I were gearing up to leave so we could head back to my place for New Years when Rosaline stopped me.

"What do you want, Rosaline?"

"I know you won't forgive me but I want to apologize again." she sighed. "I was in the wrong."

"Ain't that the truth?" I scoffed. "You hurt not only her, but me too. You being scared doesn't give you the right to act like a bitch."

"And I know that now. And I'm sorry. I shouldn't have reacted the way I did."

"But you did, and now it's over. You're not getting off that easily." I stared her down. "It's going to take a lot for you to get back into my good graces."

"I know. I just want you to know that I'm sorry."

I didn't grace her with a response, instead thanking Sandy for letting me stay and meeting JJ at the car, squeezing her hand as we got ready to go back to mine. I could tell she was nervous about everything that had happened, and I reassured her that we were going to be fine. We weren't going to let someone's jealousy get in the way of us being happy. We drove home in a comfortable silence, every now and then bursting into conversation. The kids were anxiously awaiting our arrival, hovering around the front door in an effort to be the first one to hug us. Matt and Kristy helped us get the kids off of us so we could get inside, dropping our stuff off in my room before we went back out. The kids pulled us into the living room and told us about everything they did while we were gone, and showed JJ all of their new toys. Matt signaled for me to go into the kitchen and I excused myself, saying I was getting a glass of water.

"So, how'd it go?"

"Hm? Oh. Well, she did it because she was scared I was going to hurt JJ. And she was jealous."

"Really?" Matt raised an eyebrow. "Interesting."

I shrugged. "It's understandable that she felt that, being the older sister and all. She's not getting off that easily, though. She's on my shit list."

"I'm glad you got that sorted out." Matt smiled, bumping me with his shoulder. "What are you guys planning on doing on New Years?"

"Well, we were going to go to Elle and Emily's, but we decided that we'd just rather stay here. Enough excitement has happened and since I start my job on Monday, it's probably better that I'm down here anyway."

"Oh that's right, you do start on Monday! Are you excited?"

"Very. I'm picking up my badge and stuff tomorrow afternoon. Luke's gonna help me get situated into my office and we're going to get everything set for when I start."

"That's awesome." he paused. "I'm really proud of you, bubs."

"I told you one day I was going to be working for the FBI. I upheld my end of the bargain."

"That you did."

"I think you owe me something." he tilted his head to the side. "If I remember correctly, you said... let me pull up the direct quote." I opened the notes app on my phone. "'If you get a job at the FBI before you turn 25, I will do all your laundry and dishes for a year and give you free rides anywhere you want.'" I turned to him, and smirked. "You still going to uphold your end of the bargain?

Matt simply chuckled, placing a kiss on the top of my head as he went back out into the main room, me following shortly after him. We spent the rest of the day huddled together in the living room, spending the day playing board games and eating goldfish and trying not to get the kids to throw them at each other. JJ and I were tasked with putting the kids to bed, reading them a bedtime story and helping them get dressed and stuff. We sat down in the main room with Kristy and Matt, telling them everything that happened while I was in Pennsylvania. Our night was spent cuddling, just basking in the limited time we had left with each other before I started my new job. I was pretty damn nervous to start my job, if I were being honest. The fact that I would be away from the people I love was the worst part of it all, but the whole night JJ insisted that she'd be there with me every step of the way, through every up and down and every potential injury that I could acquire. She whispered sweet nothings into my ear as I curled into her side, slowly causing my anxiety to go away. 

The Way You Make Me Feel [ J.J ]Where stories live. Discover now