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tw; mild sexting, heavy petting, making out

"You're really here for the whole wee-end?" Lilly asked, holding onto my arm. "All 'free days?" her eyes widened. "You read me my bed-ime story?"

"I can most definitely read you your bedtime story."

I had been dragged away from JJ, the kids insisting that they show me all of their crafts that they did while I was gone at school. None of them had asked about her yet, but I was pretty sure they hadn't even noticed she was there. I met her eyes as she watched me with the kids, talking quietly with Kristy on the other side of the room, presumably about me. I turned my attention back to the kids when Chloe tugged on my shirt, pointing out the drawing she made of us the other day. I was able to corral them close to dinner time, getting them to clean up all of their stuff so they could go to their bathrooms upstairs and start washing their hands. They all finally agreed to go upstairs after  I promised them ten thousand times that I'd still be here when they'd come back downstairs. I walked back over to JJ, wrapping my arms around her and placing my head on her shoulder.

"Remind me never to have four kids all close to the same age." I mumbled, pulling her close as I could get her. "They're demons. Loveable demons, but demons."

"I heard that!"

"You were meant to!" I flipped my middle finger up in the direction of Matt's voice, my head never leaving JJ's shoulder. "They're not going to want to detach from me."

"Kind of like how you can't go an hour without her being in your arms-"

"Matthew Joseph Simmons you are on thin fucking ice right now-"

"-Language, Y/N."

"Language, Y/N." I mocked, throwing a playful glare at him. "Baby make him stop."

"Oh no, this isn't my fight, mi querido. This is all you. You started it."

Before Matt and I could continue our little sibling squabble, the kids stampeded down the stairs, now realizing that JJ was there. They all stopped, staring between the two of us, trying to figure out what was going on. After I shoo-ed JJ out of the room to talk to them about it, I explained to them about how I told them that I like girls and boys and she happened to be a girl that I had a crush on so they would understand why we were so close. Chloe and Lilly giggled at this, especially when I told them to not say anything about it with a big smile on my face. I knew right away that one of the girls would be the first to break, asking JJ questions about me and trying to figure out if we were going to be together for a long time or a short time. The funny thing was, neither of us knew the answer to that question at the moment. So I was just as curious to see how JJ was going to answer if she ever got asked that question. I ruffled all of their hair before we went back into the kitchen, all of them laughing at me. We had decided to stay simple and do breakfast for dinner, since according to Kristy the twins had been asking for french toast and sausages for weeks now. I got them all situated at the table and forced Kristy to sit down, JJ and I taking charge and helping serve.

"Dinner is served. Any special requests while I'm still up?" I glared at JJ, who slowly sank down into her seat.

"Umm... can I have some ketchup for my eggs?" David asked, looking at me.

"Of course. Anything else?"

"Can I 'ave some lime juice for my eggs?"

I let out a laugh, sharing a look with Kristy who shrugged. "Lime juice?! On your eggs?!" I ruffled Lilly's hair again, smiling as she laughed. "I'll go get some."

I walked back into the kitchen, stealing a glance from JJ as her eyes flickered down to her phone, then back up to me. I pulled my phone out my pocket, feeling fluttering down there as I read her text.

The Way You Make Me Feel [ J.J ]Where stories live. Discover now