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Mystery POV:

"⁓⁓'I've never seen such an impressive technique!' Hongjoong expresses laughing nervously.

'I'm coming for the servant!' Wooyoung says and lunges dramatically, slicing Seonghwa's neck with the imaginary sword. Everyone starts laughing and clapping their hands.

'It's perfect for you,' Jongho comments.

'Servants can't be on camera, get lost,' says Yunho and Wooyoung immediately drags poor Seonghwa backwards.⁓⁓"

More words and actions display on the laptop, but I'm not here to talk about the Ateez video playing on it, mmhm, that's not my job. I AM HERE to introduce to you the heroine if you can call her that of this real-life tale. 

Behind this laptop screen playing Ateez sits our one and only Ahn Soojin, grinning uglily at her favourite boy-group member on-screen(These days they call it 'bias'. Now, I'm pretty HIP but I seriously need to get used to these things. It was hard enough to take a crash course on Ateez to understand Soojin's background a bit better, but it's cool, Ateez are a cool bunch of boys.).

Messy hair, eye-booger still intact from the afternoon nap, a stained ugly T-shirt and pyjama, sitting on the couch with her feet up(with unkept ugly toenails, may I add) with an opened pack of chips on her one side and her nerdy glasses resting on other(which she only wears to look ner—I mean smart—and has nothing to do with having weak eyes), and to top it all off with her ugly and desperate grin, she looked exactly like an average K-pop stan.

Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce you to Ahn Soojin, a big nerdy fan of the boy group Ateez. Ahn. Soojin. 'S' as in Sagua as in Sagua Jongho, 'OO' as in Oojin and 'JIN' as in Worldwide Handsome Seokjin(Yes, the actor. His acting in the drama 'Blue Village' was awesome, by the way. Love WWH). And of course, my 5000-year-old soul knows what's up in modern pop and television thanxx(see what I did, at this point, I might as well call myself an Atiny) to Soojin.

"UGH! CAN YOU TONE IT DOWN! EVERY FUCKI—" begins the other princess in the household, Ahn Sooyoung, Soojin's younger sister(though personally, I'd say that she should've been the elder one). Unlike Soojin, this one doesn't waste life on K-pop and is outgoing and as extroverted as they come. I'd say I like her better if I hadn't known how stupid she can be( Doesn't mean I like Soojin better, I just have to follow her around more because of my job, but you didn't hear it from me).

"SOOYOUNG, YOU BETTER STOP YELLING! THE NEIGHBOURS DON'T NEED TO HEAR YOUR FOUL MOUTH!" Eomma Ahn, their mom, chastises from somewhere in the kitchen, or she tries to.

"Aish! She's no better," Sooyoung comments. By now, Soojin has paused the video looking at her sister questioningly with her mouth full of chips, grotesquely chewing. Ugh! Manners, kiddo!

"You made me stop my video. Can you stop being bothering for at least once?" Soojin says boredly.

"I am bothering? YOU ARE THE ONE who bothers us by playing your Ateez on high volume every day. For the last time, just watch it in your own room! You don't even HAVE AN EARPHONE on! Why? Why!"

"Buy me one."

It takes Sooyoung off-guard. "Come again?" 

"I said BUY. ME. ONE. if you have so much problem." She doesn't mean it and Sooyoung can tell.

Sooyoung sighs. "I am NOT spending money on you, you BROKE BITCH—" She doesn't mean it as well and the elder one can tell. Don't mind the foulness of their words, you should actually see when Sooyoung's lovey-dovey—which is most of the timeit's cringe( yes, I find it cringe despite my age and experience). These girls have a lovely, care-enriched relationship, I can testify anywhere.

Annyeong, Daisy! [Ateez Fanfiction] ✓Where stories live. Discover now