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Mystery POV:

"Someone go call her," Seonghwa instructs. She's already on the way, bro.

Wooyoung dials her number. "Come on out now, you're late!" he says on the phone.

"You even have her number?" Jongho asks. Oh ho ho, boy doesn't seem to be amused at the idea.

"You didn't know?" Hongjoong rhetorically asks the maknae. 

"Explains how less you involve with us. That's sad," Mingi says.

"Open the door!" Soojin yells. Yeosang opens the door to find her all wrapped in comfy outing clothes and a backpack worn on her front. She frees herself out of it and hands the bag to the boy, making him confusedly accept it.

"And I am not late, Wooyoung," she continues.

"That was very fast," Yeosang says to Soojin.

"I was already on my way here when elmo called."

"We've to decide the groups, so you're kinda late, missy," Wooyoung says.

"What's there to decide. Just split up however you want."

"That's boring," the purple-haired says.

"Alright," Soojin rolls her eyes and drags the word. "Drivers toss a coin and whoever wins can choose a member first."

"Let's do rock-paper-scissors, y'all," Mingi declares and the guys instantly agrees. Boys will be boys.

They proceed with the rock-paper-scissors. The result of the game brought both the Chois, Seongjoong and Soojin on one team and Yungi and Woosang on the other.

"Aww no! I wanted to be teamed with my precious flower-girl," Wooyoung whines with puppy sad eyes, taking Soojin's hand in his. 

"Aww no! Is it because my precious elmo-boy wanted someone to tease and annoy throughout the journey?" Soojin rubs his hands with fake puppy-sad eyes.

"Aish," Wooyoung throws her hands away. "It's not much fun trying to tease you, you're too—"

"Intelligent for you?" Yeosang completes the sentence and everyone laughs.

"If it wasn't for you guys' stupid rock-paper-scissors we could all have someone we really wanted to be teamed with on our teams," Soojin complains.

Hongjoong laughs. "There no one here who any of us are particularly excited to be with, we've been housemates for more than a year now."

"Did you have anyone in your mind?" Jongho asks to Soojin.

"Yeosang, I guess," she replies. "I like to mind my own business and not be bothered in the car, so I guess he'll be a nice choice." Yeosang hums in agreement.

"All boring people are alike," Wooyoung comments. "Anyway, let's decide which car we should take."

"You guys," Mingi interferes. "Both of them ended up on their team." He points to Jongho and San, the only two who have both the license and can drive.

"Ah, right, you should send one of them here," Yunho says.

"Not their call to decide," Wooyoung jumps in. "Give us, Jongho, we want Jongho, take Yunho instead."

"Yah! Why me?" Yunho asks.

"'Cause we don't need you, bye."

"Why not me? Why Jongho?" San who's on the other team asks pouting. 

Annyeong, Daisy! [Ateez Fanfiction] ✓Where stories live. Discover now