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Mystery POV:

Soojin is seated in the back, occupying one side of the vehicle. Wooyoung has his head on her now clothed shoulder now that they're returning from the club, clinging to his friend so dearly. He was a bit drunk. Jimin sat in the passenger seat in the front. Yes, they are in a cab. Jimin was too drunk in Soojin's opinion to have her allowed the three of them for a road safety risk.

With a call to his manager, Jimin managed to get the man to swing by later at Soojin's to get the key and go bring Jimin's car back. Jimin is going to her house too. 

Now, about the club Soojin was too excited to explore earlier, the experience didn't turn out too well. Her scandalous attire attracted a flock of bothersome men, she wasn't a fan of it. They would approach her to offer to buy her a drink, she would refuse afraid of any illegal spiking. They would flirt with her, she would refrain afraid flirting back would only bait her to have them get in her pants with some manipulation. And yes, she only sat at the bar and never moved from there. Dancing wasn't her forte. Yeah, she's pretty terrible at it.

On the other hand, Wooyoung barely left the dance floor. He showed off his skills a bit too much for a club. When girls would flock around him, he'd only dance with them respectfully and refuse politely when they'd ask him to go somewhere private. When he thought that answer won't work on a few, he simply pointed at his 'girlfriend' aka Soojin who was a bit hard to spot from the dance floor considering she was covered by a flock of guys roaming around her.

Anyway, Soojin is disappointed with the visit. She had no fun in there, and it didn't trigger any memories she was seeking to find. She'll never find it, though.

"You're great at dancing, Wooyoung-ah," Jimin randomly says startling the other two who thought he was sleeping.

"Thank you, hyung-nim," the boy says back quietly.

"You okay, Youngie?" Soojin asks.

"I'm just tired after having all those girls sticking to me like magnets," Wooyoung says and Soojin rolls her eyes.

"Yeah? You seem pretty normal to me, stop leaning," she tries to push his head away.

"No!" Wooyoung cries and still stays leaning and clinging to her adamantly.

"And I'm not being arrogant," he continues. "There were too many noonas I had to reject, it was so bothersome, I didn't even try, yet they were all flocking to me." Yeah, not like he intentionally did the sexiest dance moves out there on the dance floor. But that's how it's supposed to be, you did a great job, my man.

"Sure, bro. Sure," Soojin boredly says.

"I was planning to teach you a thing or two considering it was your first time in a club," Jimin says. "But you're gooood...."

Soojin grows awkward, they were both talking like there was no one else in the cab. And Jimin's even sitting next to the driver. Soojin could never.

"Keep it up, boy. You're the man. You shouldn't have rejected the pretty ladies though... You know the ladies, they are—"

"Oppa!" Soojin says. "Stop teaching him rubbish stuff, okay? And stop talking rubbish yourself. Your reputation!"

Jimin turns back with a confused face. "What reputation?" he asks innocently.

Soojin sighs. "You're so drunk."

"I'm excited! What are you making me today? It's been too long," he says happily.

That's right. Jimin tagged along saying he wanted to eat Soojin's food.

"Hey, you've never cooked me Italian food. That's your speciality, right? Cook me that today," he says.

Annyeong, Daisy! [Ateez Fanfiction] ✓Where stories live. Discover now