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Mystery POV:

Jongho crosses Soojin's gate to already hear the giggling voices of the girl and Yeosang from somewhere back in the lawn. He follows the sound to find them sitting on the coffee table chairs in the patio. They are enjoying something that Yeosang shows her on his phone.

"Hey, guys!" Jongho says.

"Hii, sweetie," Soojin says without having to look up from the phone.

Jongho takes a seat placing his elbows on the table and his chin on his clasped palms. "What are you watching?" he asks.

"Nothing much," Soojin says and the both of them keep watching Yeosang's phone without looking up. Two seconds later they burst out laughing again. 

"That's so funny," she says.

"I told you," Yeosang chirps.

Both of them then look up to see a bored Jongho watching them with his slightly pouty lips.

"Oh dear dear! Did my gummy bear feel left out?" Soojin says pinching both his cheeks. "So sorry, sweetie."

"You always baby me," Jongho complains.

"But I like it," he continues leaning forward with his tilted head and smiling lips. "But not always. I can be more than just a baby too, you know." He finishes charmingly.

"Ohh.." Yeosang playfully gasps. "He's flirting."

As if the light around her fades suddenly, Soojin's smile falters just a bit. She turns to Yeosang with an awkward smile and then looks around not meeting Jongho's eyes.

"You made her uncomfortable," Yeosang says making the situation weirder.

"No, no, it's not like that. I'm not just used to him being like that," Soojin defends and looks at the maknae. "Sweetie, you were very charming. It's very good, your skills. You can get any girl with that."

"You wouldn't say all these if you weren't uncomfortable," Yeosang says and earns a glare from Soojin. Sometimes this boy can't really read between the lines. Is he doing this on purpose? Whatever, I'm here for the drama.

"I'm sorry, noona," Jongho says.

"Don't apologize, sweetie," Soojin's voice goes up. "Yeosang, you're really an idiot!"

"I'll get going then," Yeosang awkwardly smiles in half-apology and scoots.

"So," Soojin begins. "You're going to the grocery?" she asks eyeing the empty bags in his hands.

"Yeah, I came over to ask if you want to get groceries with me. I'm taking the car."

"Yes, I really need some restocking. Come on," she says and runs into the house, Jongho following.

When he sees her going into her bedroom, he stops in his track deciding to go sit on the sofa. Soojin senses and turns back. "What?" she asks.

"Umm...You're going to change, right?"

"No. Do I need to?" She asks and looks at her clothes.

"No, I was just asking." He follows the girl without asking any further questions.

He sees the girl taking her phone and wallet and looking around for something. "Where did I keep the bags?" she mutters. "Let me go check elsewhere." She runs out of the room.

Jongho's been standing by the bulletin board in the room where she pinned their polaroid photos. He picked his photo and turned it around, curious to see what all were written in there.

Annyeong, Daisy! [Ateez Fanfiction] ✓Where stories live. Discover now