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Mystery POV:

Soojin skips into the boys' house after entering the passcode.

"Guys!" she yells. She already gets Seonghwa's attention who was on the staircase, mopping. The rest are scattered in their rooms.

"I'm going shopping. Who's coming with me?" she yells. Seonghwa immediately indicates for her to lower the volume. 

"Who's sleeping?" she asks. "Wait, it's Captain, isn't it?"

Seonghwa answers with a blink. Soojin walks to his and Hongjoong's shared room and quietly opens the door, takes a look inside and closes it back. Wooyoung, Mingi and San skip down the stairs after they heard their female friend's voice.

"Yah!" Seonghwa glares at the three who chose to dirty the stairs when he was cleaning them.

"Call me out later for being a creep, but he looks so cute while sleeping," Soojin coos. "I could totally keep staring at him all the while he sleeps."

"That's totally creepy," Wooyoung says. "If a guy says that to you then you're totally punching him."

"I'm against violence," she says. "Besides, if the guy is Captain then I totally wouldn't mind."

"And you said she's only biased and creepy towards Seonghwa hyung," Mingi whispers to San.

"What if it's Seonghwa hyung?" Wooyoung asks.

"I have the same answer," she coolly says.

"You guys are joking around weirdly a lot these days," Seonghwa says, visibly uncomfortable.

"More like 'she' jokes around a lot," Wooyoung corrects. "Why are you so dolled up today? You look girly."

She's wearing a casual dress with a bag hanging over her shoulders.

"You remember my last week's mission, right? The club thing." And she instantly feels Seonghwa concerned stare on her. "Well, that's not the only task I had. Today I'm spending some money on shopping like Daisy 1.0."

"It's so weird listening to Daisy '1.0' and '2.0' always, right?" she continues.

"Yeah, it feels like I'm with a sci-fi obsessed kid who's really into robos," San says.

"Well let's call her Veronica then," Soojin says. "The older me."

"Why Veronica?" Hwa asks.

"Do we need a reason for everything we do?" she says. "I'm going shopping. Who wants to join me?"

Seonghwa raises his hands slightly but it gets unnoticed.

"What will you buy me if I come with you?" Wooyoung asks.

"Shh, elmo, you really think I'll pick you."

"Yah! What's wrong with me? I thought I was your best friend."

"The last time I took you to the club, you abandoned me."

"That's right, you even abandoned her with that stranger," Seonghwa glares at the boy, annoyed just by remembering that time.

"By the way, did you contact hyung-nim after that? Did he say anything about me?" Wooyoung asks excitedly.

"He liked you, he even asked me if you were straight," she tells him.

"Really?" San asks with an amused chuckle. "What did you tell him?"

"I said that even if he wasn't he'd never pick him and instead someone cute with sharp features, dimple and raven hair."

Annyeong, Daisy! [Ateez Fanfiction] ✓Where stories live. Discover now