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Daisy's POV:

I'm going to do something that I didn't think until the last week that I'll ever do. Well, what to say. Human minds! Anything can happen within in a small period of time, I guess.

These days all I do when in solitary is thinking. So I thought and thought and this is what I came to. I have never once felt like I was once Daisy 1.0. The tastes, the lifestyle, all are different. I've heard and seen in movies that it is common for people to have an entirely different personality than before. It's true. Our personalities depend on the conditioning we receive in our childhood. When memory loss patients don't even have a childhood to remember, it makes sense why they'd act different, they're dealing with a different circumstance and world than before. Scientifically, I'd explain why I am not like Daisy 1.0 like this.

But another reason: my heart tells me that I have always lived my life like this, like how I am right now, personality-wise. My stupid gut makes me feel a lot of stupid things. And one of that is that I've been dying for the type of life Daisy 1.0 ever had. The money, the house, a successful high-end restaurant of my own, even beauty, attention and popularity.

Long story short, I've decided to try out a week of these things that my gut told I desired, the life of Daisy 1.0. I won't behave like her, no, I'm still me. But I'll try and review the fun things she did. Maybe, I'll be even able to trigger my memories doing the same things she did.

So I am waiting at my house's gate, wearing what Daisy 1.0 would wear to her club trips. A tight-fitting bodysuit of lace and strings that barely covers anything despite it being a bodysuit. The chest isn't covered much and the asymmetrical cuts don't cover the rest that it was supposed to. It looked more like a piece of lingerie. Ripped high-waisted denim shorts to go with that. I wore a jacket on top. Why? Because it's the onset of winter. And another why? Because I feel vulnerable as fuck( still feeling it with the jacket on) because it's broad daylight.

Yeah, I'm not ready for a night club so soon. Maybe I'll never be 'cause I'll never go. Depends on how well it goes today.

A red car comes and stops itself by my gate. The window rolls down.

"Hey, girl. What's up with you these days? It's been a long long while," Jimin says.

"Stop being dramatic, Jimin-ssi. We've been contacting each other on kakao."

"Jimin-ssi!" He takes off his glasses.

Why so dramatic!

"Jimin-ssi! Are you not well? Why suddenly Jimin-ssi? You were fine—"

"Fine, fine, Jimin OPPA. We didn't meet face to face for a while so it was awkward."

"Exactly, we didn't meet face to face."

"Oh my God!" Wooyoung's high-pitched scream rings my ears. "Daisy, what happened to your clothes. Did you suddenly become poor enough to not have anything wrapped around you?" He sprints towards me, shock evident on his face. The only clothes that I do wear of Daisy 1.0 are the work clothes. Those are pretty dresses but they are formal and decent. Obviously, Wooyoung would say something like that.

When he reaches near the road, he halts as if frozen. He looks at the car, it's now that he notices it. 

Oh right! He's a simp for Jimin.

"Wooyoung, come meet my friend," I call him.

He gives me a 'are you serious, I look like a peasant' kind of face and hand gesture, still standing there, hiding behind the fence wall.

Annyeong, Daisy! [Ateez Fanfiction] ✓Where stories live. Discover now