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Mystery POV:

It's 20 minutes past 9 of the night. Soojin stands outside AZ Fellaz's house carrying a carton in her hand. She's in her comfy pyjamas, her hair damp from the shower she had after returning from work.

She lightly kicks the door. "Open up!" she says.

"Oh! You know the passcode, noona!" Jongho yells back from inside.

"Obviously, I can't use my hands when I yell out to you instead of even knocking, you dummy."

A few seconds later, the door opens accessing to the handsome maknae in front. Soojin just walks inside tiredly.

"—it's not so cute when you hear it so often," San is heard complaining from the living room. He and Yunho are sitting on the sofa, the former with his bare feet up and the latter who is almost lying on it lazily. 

Hongjoong is on the floor on one side, colours and spray paints sprawled around him and a tube of paint in his hand as he draws on a section of a plain shirt that he has lying on the floor. On the other end of the sofa, on the floor, lies a hand grip and a chest expander stretcher.

"I'm wondering where he heard that," Yunho says. "Oh, Annyeong, Daisy."

"Annyeong," she says and goes directly to their kitchen.

"She looks pissed," Jongho says and sits back on the floor, eyes still following the girl, who keeps the carton in the kitchen and comes back to join them.

"He might've accidentally said that the first time and then improvised it," Hongjoong says.

"You mean he's trying to act cute?" San says.

"Yeah, it's not exactly natural if he says that so often," Jongho says working on his hand grip.

Soojin reaches them. "Oh, you do art?" she asks Hongjoong and sits down on the floor, hands on the edge of the centre table and chin on top of it getting a comfortable view of Hongjoong's work.

"Nah, I just like to customize stuff, that's it," he says.

"What were you guys talking about?" she asks.

"Nothing much—" San says.

"They were bitching about Seonghwa hyung," Jongho says.

Soojin gasps dramatically.

"You were in it too, you traitor," San complains and Jongho ignores him.

"I wanna join too," Soojin says.

"What?" San says. Yunho and Hongjoong laughs.

"I thought you were you a nice person who doesn't do all that," Jongho teases.

"What do you mean, I'm suddenly not nice now?" she gives the maknae a death stare.

"No no."

"Just kidding. And I'm no saint, so what were you complaining about oppa, Sannie?"

"These days he tries to do this aegyo. He goes Mamma," he imitates him. "at random times. It was cute but now it's getting boring, he should stop it."

Soojin watches San with loving eyes. "Wow, you did it great, but oppa does it cuter. He's so cute!" she coos remembering him.

"Even you know!" Hongjoong exclaims.

"Sure, I taught him that."

"So you are the culprit?" Yunho says.

"I mean I didn't technically teach him 'cause I hate doing aegyo," Soojin says. "We were talking and I said he's the mamma of this group and he went 'Mamma?' so cutely that I couldn't keep back but tell him how adorable it was."

Annyeong, Daisy! [Ateez Fanfiction] ✓Where stories live. Discover now