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Mystery POV:

Wooyoung and Seonghwa volunteered to stay behind at Soojin's house as she slept peacefully back in her bedroom. They left her door open but stayed back in the living room to give her the privacy. Since both of the cooks of their household insisted to stay and not leave back to their house to cook the lunch, Wooyoung took the liberty and used Soojin's kitchen and ingredients for the purpose.

The members came over and had their lunch quietly. When Hongjoong and Jongho came back to the house and found out about the news, they stayed at hers too.

Jongho, Wooyoung, Seonghwa and Hongjoong are now sitting in her living room. Hongjoong has been scrolling on the phone since he settled himself on that part of the sofa he occupied. He would read away all the articles he could find out about memory loss and inform his housemates about whatever he understood periodically.

Wooyoung boredly stares at the random objects in the living room. Seonghwa looks calm about the situation, but he still seems worried as he looks at Wooyoung. Jongho paces around the room and has barely sat down since. Seonghwa wants to yell to his friends that it'll alright; Not even Daisy herself would be this lifeless about the situation, his honest thought.

Those lads up there really did fuck up!

They hear a slight stir of the furniture and Hongjoong throws his phone and runs to Soojin's room, Wooyoung following as he doesn't forget to ring a phone to Yeosang as he does so. Jongho walks to her room, a bit frantically and Seonghwa does the same, calmly, but a bit nervous in mind now. He believes he had been too optimistic all until now.

Hongjoong reaches the bedroom to find her in the process of sitting up. He goes to seat himself on the side of the bed. The others arrive and stand in the room, scattered. Soojin stares ahead at the wall in front, her body steady. Hongjoong looks at his peers and Seonghwa raises his hand to indicate him to let her be.

After a few seconds, she doubles over and places her head in her palms with a groan. She feels a gentle hand on her back. She can feel the scrutiny in the touch, indicating that the person is striving to be very careful with the skinship.

She swiftly gets up and turns her head, making Hongjoong's hand retrace from her back in trepidation.

"Captain!" she says and immediately hugs him taking the boy and everyone others by surprise.

"You remember!" Hwa asks.

Hongjoong hugs her back and rubs the back of her head. Soojin looks at Wooyoung and she pulls back and runs out of her sheets and bed towards the boy.

He catches her in a tight hug. 

"I'm sorry, Youngie! I couldn't remember you, I'm so sorry."

"Don't worry about it," he says. "You remember now."

She catches the tone of his voice. He sounds so low-pitched and grave, yet it was at a soft, gentle volume. He is not okay, and she confirms it.

Soojin feels her tearing up as she squeezes his shoulder, unable to hug him any tighter. "You stupid elmo, then you should already stop worrying and cheer up 'cause I remember."

Wooyoung pulls back and kisses the girl's cheek tightly. And then he looks up to see the three other young men glaring at him instead of watching the girl who just got up recovering. His awkwardness cuts short when the others barge in to the room.

"Daisy?" San says.

"Sannie!" she exclaims.

"Oh my God!" "You remember?" "Are you alright now?" A bunch of questions pop up from the newcomers.

Annyeong, Daisy! [Ateez Fanfiction] ✓Where stories live. Discover now