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Mystery POV:

"Hey," Soojin casually says to the boy who's standing across carrying the new dose of trash in his hands like every other morning.

He smiles back softly, a little tinge of sorrow hidden beneath it. She walks over to him.

"Slept well?" Jongho asks. The girl hums in reply. She quietly empties the bag of garbage in her hands into the container. There's complete silence.

But a sound of crying stomach overpowers the quiescent atmosphere. Jongho looks away in shame, clearing his throat.

"You should go tell oppa to make you breakfast fast," she gently says to him with a smile and stays still for the next two seconds. Jongho understands that she was contemplating whether to stay or talk or to go back to her house, probably later.

"But he won't make me anything today. More like we won't let him," he takes action and speaks, hoping it would lead somewhere. He didn't want her to leave just yet. He let her do that to him all these other days of the week but today he's just not willing to. He's had enough. His brothers have had enough.


"He's been sick since yesterday," Jongho firmly says looking into her eyes to induce a reaction. He knows that she cares.


"And Wooyoung hyung is still sleeping. It would be late when breakfast will be cooked, if he or anyone else cooks, that is."

"Come over for breakfast then," she says. "Wake up all the sleepyheads and come to mine within half an hour, I'll make something quick."

Jongho's eyes light up, it is more than apt for him at the moment, that she still cares, that she's still inviting them over. And that she didn't hesitate suggesting it this time. 

"Okay," he says and watches her hurrying back inside. He wished that she stayed a bit more, but this is still enough progress. So Jongho skips back to his house, a bit hopeful today morning than the previous ones.

It's been like this for the past days, it even exceeded a week now. Basically, Soojin was being an idiot.

She wouldn't talk to Jongho much when they'd meet in the morning. She wouldn't call him by the sweet name she gave him or ruffle his hair. Not just the maknae, she would not be anything but polite and formal to all the boys and it worried them. She wouldn't roast Wooyoung, wouldn't joke around with anyone. She became too passive to them. No long conversations anymore, would only reply to Wooyoung's messages but not initiate anything. 

The eight guys were afraid if it was them that did something wrong. And also, they were all very obviously worried about her.

It all started from the day after their trip to the beach. On that lonely night of the date they went to the beach, when she was enclosed within the comforts of her blankets on her bed, her insecurities crept in and got the best of her. She thought about a lot of useless things that day that altered her further behaviour towards Ateez. But what made her more uncomfortable was the thought about her newfound feelings towards a certain someone. She doesn't even understand it but yet she dubbed it to be something entirely untouched open.

The girl is an alien. And she's alienic to the concept of love. I mean, yes, she did have few crushes growing up, and she still has, all her K-pop idols including Seonghwa and Hongjoong are her crushes. But that is just limited to that, love is just a chemical reaction in the brain, love is stupid, that's what she believes in.

And this is why she's one of the difficult clients had I've had. The main mission of mine right now seems a bit too difficult. But I know it'll be alright, my mate up there has planned everything out. Right, mate? Yo Fate, how you doin' man?

Annyeong, Daisy! [Ateez Fanfiction] ✓Where stories live. Discover now