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Mystery POV:

Hongjoong watched as Seonghwa clothed himself in his brand new crisp white shirt he bought on the outing day with Soojin. He tucked it in a pair of light blue jeans. Made his hair and wore a light cologne. 

"Where are you going this early?" Hongjoong asks. 

"An old friend from middle school is in town. I won't be back until the evening," Seonghwa says grabbing his light brown woollen cardigan to complete the look.

"Is it a guy or a girl?"

"Does it matter?"

Hongjoong shrugs with his lips. "You seem like you're dressing up to impress."

Seonghwa ignores the statement. "I'm leaving," he says.

He sees Yeosang and Jongho in the living room. 

"Oh, hyung, you're going somewhere important?" Yeosang says.

"He's going to meet a friend," Hongjoong says.

Jongho goes and opens the front door. "There's no cab here. San hyung is driving you out?"

"No, I'm going by myself," Hwa replies. Only San and Jongho has a license to drive. The others use bicycles when they usually go somewhere nearby, to the grocery and stuff. 

"You're going to walk?"

"He's already driving up here, so I'll see him halfway along the road," Seonghwa says.

"Your friend is driving up here anyway, he could have come here. Do you not want your friend to see us? Is it really a 'he' you're meeting?" Hongjoong asks.

"It is," Seonghwa says. "I'm leaving."

He walks out the front door and turns around to see if anyone's watching him as he crosses the front gate. There's nobody anywhere. He even made sure earlier that there was no one on the balcony or the rooftop. The housemates upstairs were still either sleeping or slowly getting ready for the day.

He then runs to Soojin's door and knocks hurriedly. As soon as the door opens, he rushes in and bangs it shut.

"What's up with you?" Soojin asks. "Is a detective following you or something?"

"Nothing's wrong. I was just eager."

She looks at him suspiciously.

"Don't tell me you were hiding from the boys. You're even dressed up."

"I had to make it seem I was going to the city," he awkwardly says.

"Oh my God, oppa! You can still come to mine regardless of we are dating or not. It makes sense. Jongho comes over a lot. Wooyoung does. Yeosang, sometimes. It's not weird."

"Yeah but they don't stay for the whole day, and they also don't care if any one of us drops by and interrupts. If I told them, they'd have also joined," he defends. "Also, if we were to go out today, I'm dressed appropriately for that."

"Hmm...Makes sense," Soojin says. "And you look handsome."

Soojin herself had prepared herself for their meeting. She took good care of her body, scrubbed hard, washed and styled hair, moisturised herself, performed extra oral hygiene, tinted her lips. She was still wearing plain home clothes, unlike her boyfriend, but still the most pretty one among those in her wardrobe. 

"I missed you," Seonghwa says and extends his hands for a hug. 

"It's just been like a day since we last met," she chuckles. "You're a romantic boy, oppa." She goes in for the hug and feels him pulling her closer tightly. It's the most intimate hug she ever received from the man. The front of her head is directly on his chest and it makes the blood rush to her face.

Annyeong, Daisy! [Ateez Fanfiction] ✓Where stories live. Discover now