24 - Semi Finale

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Soojin's POV:

I see the ceiling above me. I feel the discomfort of the position I'm lying down in right now. I feel the smell that dominates this place, smells like medicines, chemicals, like in a hospital. My senses relate this space that I'm in, to a hospital. But I feel all of these so suddenly, I don't think I opened my eyes to see all of these just now. I didn't feel or register the opening of my eyelids when I began seeing this. It should have already been open, but it is now that I'm registering these visuals. I don't understand.

I sit up and look around, rubbing my heavy eyes. It is actually a hospital. There's someone else occupying the bed next to me. Did they really admit me to a hospital just because I fainted?

Wait, I figured it all out before I fainted! 

I'm Soojin and I'm in Daisy's body, Daisy who strangely looks like myself but better looking. I know Daisy was adopted, her biological family is unknown. But I know for a fact that I don't have any twin. My eomma is not the type of person who can be cruel enough to give away a child like that. So I refuse to believe we're related.

 Wait, is this another dimension? I could have swapped souls with my alternative from the other dimension. If I can swap souls, then magic certainly exists. And if that does, a parallel universe must exist too. Explains why Ateez aren't themselves here. Funny how they have the same name though, unlike me. This makes perfect sense. I swapped with my alter in this parallel dimension. That's right!

Oh, I need to tell them I'm from a different dimension!

Oh my God, they're so gonna be surprised when I tell them they're celebrities in my dimension.


What do I do now? 

Should I figure out a way to go back? Or should I stay? I have Seonghwa oppa and my friends here, life here is easy and is exactly all I ever wanted from my life. For God's sake, I'm friends with and dating a guy who's alternative is Seonghwa from Ateez in my world!

But eomma and Sooyoung! I can't leave them. Ever!

"Oh.." I hear a woman's voice. She sounds shocked. I turn my head in the direction of that voice to find a nurse by the door.

"Ahn Soojin-ssi?" she asks as if testing if I remember who I am. Of course, I remember. I finally do.

"Yes," I say.

Wait! How does she know my real name?

Before I could ask her anything, she barges away. A few minutes later, a doctor comes in.

"I heard you remember your name, Ahn Soojin-ssi? What else do you remember?" the doctor asks.

"How do you know my real name?" I ask.

He looks a bit taken aback but he answers immediately anyway. "Of course, we would know the details of our patient. You are in a hospital? You didn't realize it?"

Sure I did. Does he think I'm a dummy?

"I did. Why am I here though?"

"We still didn't find out the reason," he says and sighs, contemplating if he should tell me right away. "But two weeks ago, when you went to your sleep you slipped into the state of comatose. Yesterday night, you finally opened your eyes and moved your hands, but you didn't actually wake up, you were in a vegetative state. We didn't expect you to wake up this soon. Congratulations, you recovered faster than we expected."

"I randomly slipped into a coma! What?"

It's been two weeks since I fainted? 

"It's hard to believe. And we don't have a reason to give you yet. Actually, we can't. We tried all the tests on you and it seems like a rare undiscovered condition. We suggested your family to move you to somewhere advanced for research but they refused."

Annyeong, Daisy! [Ateez Fanfiction] ✓Where stories live. Discover now