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Mystery POV:

Everyone was on their way to the parking lot when Mingi demanded ice cream. It was now a 2-minute walk to the nearby ice cream shop. The boys are discussing the flavours, and Soojin and Jongho, being the ones who don't care much for the cold dessert follows the 7 who are leading to the shop.

On the way, a lone alley sticks out from the left side of the road arching inside away from the direction they are walking. From the road the group is walking on, nothing much can be predicted as to where this lone alley leads, the curve of the road is sharp. Soojin halts when she reaches the joining point of the two roads. The desire to take that turn attracts her like a magnet. Her heart wants to follow the familiar path, and her brain that doesn't register what or where it leads finds the human vulnerability of curiosity taking over.

"Is something wrong?" Jongho asks Soojin and Hongjoong who's in their immediate front turns back to take a look.

Soojin completely dismisses the thought. "No," she quietly says and they keep walking forward.

"So we need three chocolate, all with different toppings," Mingi says walking ahead with the others who are actually interested in the ice cream.

"One strawberry popsicle, one jaws bar, one regular bingsu, and?" Seonghwa says.

"Mint chocolate. It's mint chocolate! Why do you always forget mint choco?" San complains.

"Yeah," Wooyoung says. "Jongho doesn't want one and Daisy is a weirdo who doesn't—"

"Be nice, she's paying," Yunho reminds.

"Right, thanks for agreeing—" Mingi turns back to thank the girl. "Oh! Did she go to the public loo or something?"

"Why?" Jongho asks turning back and Hongjoong does the same. The maknae comically turns back to face Hongjoong with a lost child face, and then suddenly turns back and runs, Hongjoong following. Seonghwa, as confused as the other 5 remaining, begins to run as well.

"Why is Jongho so dramatic? She's a grown-ass girl and people are looking at us," Wooyoung comments, himself speedwalking with the others.

"Yah! What if she got kidnapped by the one who caused her memory loss?" Mingi suddenly says, worry flashing his face.

"You better stop with the theories!" Yeosang says, and then everyone runs.

They all follow the curving alley inwards. It's a narrow road with nearly no people there. It leads to two other ways, one that leads to another shady alley, and another that reconnects to the wider busy street. Jongho and Hongjoong, not able to fight the human instincts that prepare for the worst-case scenario, opt the former. Wooyoung, worried for his best female friend, follows them too, along with San, their fastest runner.

The other group of the now remaining optimists, choose to take the popular street. There are shops on either side of the road. Daisy is not to be seen in one. They almost gave up and are deciding to go back to the other alley.

"Miss, are you alright?" A middle-aged woman's voice is heard. She stands at the opening of the back alley( that usually houses the trash containers) of a shuttered, lonely restaurant.

Yunho proceeds to reach near the woman. "Guys, she's here!" he says when he finally arrives at the alley and sees that the woman saw. Soojin sits by the other side of the trash container, leaning against the dirty wall with a shivering body, now wiping her tears away quietly.

The boys rush in accidentally brushing the woman's shoulders.

"Omo omo! Who are you hooligans?" the woman says. "Were they following you or something, miss? I will call the—"

Annyeong, Daisy! [Ateez Fanfiction] ✓Where stories live. Discover now