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Mystery POV:

The bells ring when the glass door swishes open. Two pair of feet enter the spacious and fresh-looking new cafe in the town. Soojin first and Hongjoong following. It's the place Soojin thinks Beomgyu might be working. To let you in on a secret now rather than having you wait for not more than a few minutes from now to discover any way: Beomgyu does work here, yeah. I know! This girl has always been almost right with all her deductions.

But don't you ever think that I lack in intellect just because I keep reacting with astonishment to this mere human girl's IQ skills. No one who lived 5000 years can afford to have ineptitude, I'll tell you that. Soojin impresses me merely because I have my experiences with humans. Your kind can be very dumb to extremity; the spectrum is very wide and gaping.

Soojin awkwardly proceeds to the counter, the people standing in the line giving her weird looks. Hongjoong looks at the girl. He always thought of her as the confident girl who has always gotten for herself what she wanted without anyone's help. Even when she first introduced herself to them and when they only began their journey as new friends, he used to see her as a confident person. She still is confident, but she acts like she can do everything by herself. Now that he knows her well, he knows that she's just like his brother Yeosang. This situation is out of her comfort zone whether she can tackle it or not. 

He knows that she doesn't like negative attention on her, and that she can't work well with many eyes staring down at her, and that she's already pretty nervous and emotional about this whole meeting-up plan.

So Hongjoong outspeeds her to reach the counter first. 

"Does anyone named Choi Beomgyu works here?" he asks the girl behind the counter, a bit loud intentionally. 

Hongjoong himself doesn't like to have unwanted eyes on him, but he's used to speaking up for his team a lot, his work involves being social. He's good at putting a facade on his discomforts just like his female friend. The things you do for your loved ones! I mean Soojin is basically a member of his family now. But is that the only reason he wants to do things for her?

"Ummm....Sunbaenim?" the girl, maybe a new employee, not knowing how to respond calls her peer for help.

The new guy comes over immediately. "What can I help you with sir?" he asks.

"We are looking for a Choi Beomgyu. Does he work here?" Soojin asks him.

"I'm sorry, ma'am. We can't answer that question because we're not allowed to give any employee details, so we can't cross-check whether or not the person you're asking for works here."

"Hyung, who is it?" A guy suddenly comes to the employee behind the counter who answered them and looks at Hongjoong first and then at Soojin, eyes freezing on hers.

"Oh..." Soojin mutters, her eyes on him too.

Hongjoong looks at the new raven-haired boy's employee name tag. Surely enough, it read the name his friend and he wanted to seek.

"I'm working right now," Beomgyu professionally says. "Hope you'll enjoy the coffee from here, though." He bows and leaves to the other corner of the cafe, without looking back again.

"Uhh.." the other employee begins. "If you wish to order, you can join the line," he says and leaves too.

"You go a take a seat," Hongjoong tells Soojin. "I'll order coffee. We'll wait until he clocks out if we have to," he says.

"That's crazy," Soojin says.

"We don't have to wait in here. We can go roam around the street, still at a visible distance from this place, okay? Go sit."

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