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Mystery POV:

"These are some really good shades," Wooyoung says.

"You say that as if you have so much knowledge about this," San comments. He is casually seated on Soojin's bed doing nothing much but commentary as he sees Wooyoung going through Soojin's eyeshadow palettes and other makeup.

Yeosang is seated on a recliner by the bed, scrolling through his phone while Soojin is on her bed staring out the window on the wall on the side. She can see the boys' house from here.

They are all upstairs in her guestroom. The dressing table in here is better so Wooyoung insisted to bring her makeup upstairs. Odd demands but clearly she agreed.

"Once I learn to use it, watch all the comments being dominated about my beauty's appreciation," the purple-haired says.

"Didn't you offer to do ours too? 'To have our aesthetics match as members of one team'," San reminds.

"Yeah, but I'd still do mine the best. Gotta be the sexiest."

"Oh, so it's because you think you can't match up to our dance skills that you want makeup to grab the audience's attention," Yeosang looks up from his phone and says with a serious-looking, nodding face.

"Yeah—" Wooyoung absentmindedly says making San snort.

"Yah!" he then yells.

Soojin lays down and closes her eyes. "Wake me up when you're done, don't rob my makeup, I do not trust you," she says and begins to close her eyes.

"You are sleepy at this time?" San asks.

"I feel extra tired and sleepy right now, strangely. I was fine when I woke up a few hours ago. Whatever, it's my day off anyway. I'll try to do a quick nap, but if I don't wake up, let me be, I'll save lunch-making energy then." And she closes her eyes.

San watches over Soojin for the next 1 minute and then snaps a finger near her face. "She really slept?" he says. "That's really fast."

"Don't sit too close to her, sleeping people fart a lot," Wooyoung says and Yeosang slams his phone onto his lap and looks at his friend with a judgemental are-you-serious glare. I mean, he's speaking the truth, though. 

"What is wrong with this guy?" San shakes his head in disgust and disappointment.

"What? You all fart too, sleeping or otherwise. San, remember when you got food poisoning—"

"WE HAVE A—" San sees Yeosang's hand gesture for him to tone down the volume. "We have a girl in the room!" He now whisper-yells.

"She's no stranger," Wooyoung shrugs.

"Yeah, but she doesn't live with us."

"Relax, I was just checking if she was really sleeping or not. Guess she is," Wooyoung says.

"By exposing your own friends?" Yeosang asks.

"She's asleep, she didn't hear anything."

"Yeah?" San says and then proceeds to lie down with his mouth fairly close to Soojin's ears and starts speaking with a fairly high volume. "Wooyoung's farts are the loudest, you agree Yeosang? It's very rhythmic soun—"

"Yah yah yah!" Wooyoung runs to tackle San and he falls on the boy and accidentally scoots Soojin's body aside.

Yeosang gets up from his chair. "Stop it you two," he says and looks at Soojin. "How is she not even stirring because of this commotion?"

Annyeong, Daisy! [Ateez Fanfiction] ✓Where stories live. Discover now