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Daisy's POV:

I swear I have not once peacefully spent my time inside, on my bed, on my only day off a week, ever since I woke up as not-Veronica. I am complaining, yet I'm not 'cause today it's a tie between my bed and dramas on one hand and Hwa oppa on the other. To get the facts straight, both are priorities, okay?

I never thought I'd be the type of girlfriend who wouldn't ever be able to say-no-to-your-mans. I mean I would still say no if he was stupid enough to suggest something stupid. But he simply isn't. 

He wanted me to help him with guidance making dessert for their dinner tonight. They don't even make dessert at theirs. He could be making up reasons to meet up. And honestly, I'm scared about that. The others might see this as very couply of us to do even if we would do anything we'd still have done as friends, but they wouldn't see it like that when he's literally asking me for help with a dessert they don't even have a habit of eating. This seems planned. He sus. And we'll be sus to others.

I know, I know. I'm still uncomfortable with us being a couple in our whole posse of friends. It's weird being around the others who feel weird seeing us together. They don't act weird but I'm sure they're internally still coping. Wooyoung, San, Yeosang, Yunho and Mingi are still worried for Jongho and Captain. I know because I know how all of them are and can be.

I barge into their house sneakily. Oppa's in the kitchen waving to me. No one else is here. Is it weird or is it good?

"Where are they?" I ask.

"Resting in their rooms for once today. Good thing they're not staying around to tease us. Why?" he says.

"You told them I was coming?"

"To just Wooyoung." 

'Just' Wooyoung, lol. Wooyoung's a fucking door-to-door mail system.

"They're intentionally staying inside then," I say. This is what I was fearing. Any couple would've been happy knowing their friends are making sure to give them privacy. But I don't want this because I can't help but think of Captain and Jongho, Jongho more than Captain.

"Anyway," I say. "You're making dessert. That's new in this household."

"Wooyoung said he'll make dinner today and asked me to make dessert instead," he says, looking fed up.

"Aish, they never let you rest," I say and pinch his cheek with the tiny surface area within my pressed fingers. "And it's totally because you let them. You never say no. Such an eomma!"

"I have a difficulty processing whose side you're on," he chuckles. "We rarely make any desserts. I thought I should try making one today."

I simply nod. 

He had already got all the ingredients for lava cakes ready, so we prepared the batter for that and kept aside for use later in the night. It didn't even take 15 minutes. He could've really done that later until the dinner time.

He wipes his hands clean after finishing with all the dirty dishes. "Now we are officially done with the work," he smiles. So cute, uwu.

"It's very weird to have this peace in this house. Are you really sure they are in here?" I ask. I heard Wooyoung's voice earlier from the nearest room down in this floor. He sounded like he was on an important call, voice really quiet enough for me to not understand a thing, and serious.  Apart from that, nothing.

"Not all, but the rest sure are in their room. Could be sleeping," he says.

"Hmm..." I take his hands into mine, a crazy idea crossing my mind. I must really be bipolar, 'cause just minutes ago I was worrying of the boys seeing us different because of our new relation. 

Annyeong, Daisy! [Ateez Fanfiction] ✓Where stories live. Discover now