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Mystery POV:

I am so frustrated these days. This can all end any day now. I wish I could know when. I have to mentally prepare myself for stage two. When you'll know what this all is, you might question my plan. But you know, I have experience. This is the only way it'll work. Ugh, I'm getting distracted again.

So I don't know when it'll happen. It's because it's difficult to communicate with the lads up there. We can only do it when I say something and they affirm with signs. Back when Fate was the one who personally looked into these affairs, we would actually converse. Yes, he'd use his voice, he's a powerful being.

I can't help but be a bit scared for Soojin, though. This all depends on how she'll handle it, she's definitely gonna be sad initially but I hope it still plays out well. It would, I have experience in this, haha. 

I have never conducted an operation that's like this one before and it's not wrong to say I had fun in planning it out like this. I guess I wanted this dramatic. It will work out! It should. Ohh, it kinda sounds like I'm trying to reassure myself! Lol?



Woosan's been arguing over some really stupid things. That's why I took the liberty to zone out in my thoughts. The stupidity these young lads mouth are not worth the time.

They are now hugging each other in reconciliation. It always ends like this, so I never bother much to pay attention.

"So cute," Soojin coos. They are all on the patio outside her kitchen, will shortly begin to prepare the dinner. It's a desolate, cold night. But they're all showing no slack in making it merry. They are obviously not feeling what I am feeling, however. Except for Soojin. She's not been in her best spirits today.

"Kiss already you two!" she excitedly beams making the fingers of both her hands kiss and her lips pouty kissing the air.

"Sure," Wooyoung says and pulls back from the hug, only to grab San's jaw to slowly lean in. San does the same.

Soojin pulls out her phone to record and everyone else panics. Jongho sees his soul leaving his body. Yeosang covers his eyes with his palm, cringing, two of his fingers still parted to let him still see. Hongjoong looks both curious, at the same time repulsed. Yungi smiles wide in excitement, but their brows cock in curiosity to know if the two actually will kiss. Seonghwa tries to run to them to make them part away but Soojin grabs him by his waist midway. He still tries to break free.

Soojin looks at Yunho for help and the boy gladly comes over to successfully pull his hyung back with his gigantic body strength.

Wooyoung and San's lips are barely an inch away and everyone is looking at them in anticipation with different reactions. But to some's disliking Wooyoung cracks into a smile, and San follows immediately. They turn their heads towards Soojin, looks at her and looks back at each other, an evil smirk forming on their faces. Without any wordly notice, they both lunge towards the girl and standing on either side of here, they begin pecking her cheeks.

"Noooo!!" Soojin yells. "You annoying leaches, get off!"

"Yahh!" Seonghwa yells, his voice deeper. "What are you doing to her?" He tries to get them get off of her but their grip on the girl is strong.

"Stop it, guys!" Hongjoong says. "You're not little kids. If other people see this, they won't ever pass it off as innocent-like, we live in a conservative society."

"Yeah, that's my girlfriend!" Seonghwa frustrated says.

Woosan step away. 

"I agree with Captain," Soojin says. "But not with you, oppa. I don't generally like kisses that's why I wanted them to get off, I don't do inequality. And I don't appreciate getting jealous of your own friends and family who you know means well and are only always innocent and platonic."

Annyeong, Daisy! [Ateez Fanfiction] ✓Where stories live. Discover now