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Mystery POV:

I AM HERE! Finally!

My job finally starts paying off. It's only the start, but at least it started. I'm in here to check on our girl Ahn Soojin, or SHOULD I SAY, Choi Daisy

I know a lot of things, and that includes what's going on with Soojin. Poor girl though! Didn't know she'll forget her identity and suffer like this. Not really. I might know a lot of things, yeah, but I do not know why she forgot her name even. Give me a break, I'm not God. But I know that it'll all come around somehow. I don't know how, and that's why I'm curious.

Right now, I only know about the background of everyone in here, Ateez's, Daisy's and everyone involved. Don't know how it'll play out, depends on Soojin's performance. This is fun, I might need popcorn for this(isn't that how kids say these days? What do you know, your 5000-year-old soul can get younger and younger by years too, I guess).

Enough about me!

So I see Wooyoung is in the lawn with Yunho. Cleaning the lawn, eh? Good work boys!

"Why do I have to do this? I wanna go sleep," Wooyoung whines. Son! I JUST complimented you, kiddo!

"You think you can go through the day without food?" Yunho asks. Good question! I can't relate though, we don't eat to survive.

Wooyoung pretends to think. "I think I can."

Yunho snickers. "Who you kidding? You're the first one to always jump onto the food." BURN!

Wooyoung looks at Yunho offended. "Yah! I don't think he'll starve us for not doing work."

"Not 'us' but maybe you." Yunho laughs. Wooyoung doesn't reply and keep working.

True though. Wooyoung is the laziest one in the household, well everyone is, they all leave the work for Seonghwa to handle. Wooyoung just shamelessly uses his cleverness to get away with work. Often! Maybe Seonghwa will actually starve him for not doing this task, we never know.

Soojin opens her front gate. She sees Wooyoung and, as expected, gasps. Poor girl, she's going through so much. Wooyoung is shocked too. Well, Daisy is not the kind of person to spare a glance at people she thinks are unwanted to her. It's the first time he's having her attention. His expression soon turns to a slight scowl. 

'What's with the drama? She's so wasted this early in the morning.' I read his thoughts. Well, if you look at her from his point of view, she does seem drunk.

Wooyoung keeps on stealing glances at her house throughout the while Jimin stays. Of course, that's one of the other reasons he's not a fan of Daisy. He loves Park Jimin(a famous model in this world. Ateez Wooyoung loves his sunbaenim Jimin too, lol, only if Soojin still had her memories of herself, she would have gone berserk at the thought of him loving Jimin in this world too). Man, jealousy does and can stir a lot of hate!

After Jimin leaves, Soojin comes over and she and Wooyoung do a lot of boring talks, blah blah. The conclusion is, she got their names right. Impressive! Daisy didn't know their names, only Soojin does. Progress.

And then Seonghwa barges through the front door. 

"Is everything alright?" he asks. Brother, you broke the girl! 

Because now she has turned around, cupping her eyes, blinking her tears away. Part of me feels bad for her, she must be very confused and frustrated at her feelings. BUT THE OTHER BIG PART OF ME?— MUHAHAHAHA! 

Annyeong, Daisy! [Ateez Fanfiction] ✓Where stories live. Discover now