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Mystery POV:

I don't know if this'll happen today or not. I still am a bit hopeless. But can you blame me? You all know this, Soojin has the calibre to fuck up things as fast as the managers of those toxic K-pop companies.

Well, still, only for the sake of the spirits, SOMETHING BOUTO HAPPEN TONIGHT!

Hope she tells them today.


Soojin walks around the explores the space. "Nice house you have here, fellaz."

"See, told you she'll think it's decent enough," San tells Seonghwa.

"Unfiltered thought," she says. "I didn't think it was possible to have a house clean with like 8 young guys living under the roof, I'm impressed. But it fits, owing to how Seonghwa-ssi can be."

"There she goes again," Wooyoung comments.

"What.." Hwa hesitantly asks. "do you mean by that, Daisy-ssi?"

"Oh?" she begins and then figures that she had let out a slip of tongue. "Right... What I meant was that you can be a bit clean-freakish?" She says hesitantly, still unsure.

"Woah!" Mingi exclaims. "You're amazing!"

"It's called 'creepy'." A certain someone comments, but you can guess who that is.

"I'm sorry, I hope it all makes sense by the end of the 1-hour clock mark probably."

Yunho sighs. "You know, Daisy, I really can't wait longer."

"I agree." San.

"We all do." Yeosang.

"I'm both scared and excited." Mingi.

"I just need a spicy, exciting story." Wooyoung.

"Guys stop!" Hongjoong uses his stern voice. "You guys, go get the pizzas. Let's speed this up as much as we can." Seonghwa and Jongho walk to the kitchen on the leader's instruction. "And Daisy-ssi! You have a seat."

Everyone settles down in the living, the pizza slices sprawled over on the centre table.

Jongho hands Soojin a plate. "No need, I'll eat after I'm done explaining. You guys carry on."

"Be comfortable with us," Yeosang says, suddenly remembering how she was when they got invited to hers. "We've done this already before. You can talk as you eat."

"It's just a hassle to balance the two, I'd end up not touching the food eventually," she explains earning a nod from the mullet-haired boy.

"Yah, begin already," Wooyoung says chomping on his slice. All eyes turn to her eagerly.

"Guys, just eat your food, I do not do well with people looking me dead in the eyes," she deadpans. 

"So my issue," she continues. "I'm sharing this with you guys as a friend, and you just listening enough will make me feel loads better. I'm not asking for help with my condition itself 'cause you might not be able to help, so don't stress about it. Let me begin."

"Too much drama already."

"Wooyoung you asked for a 'spicy and exciting story' so Imma add all the mothertrucking k-drama details in it, you understand!" Oof brother. Amen! Soojin isn't really the most patient one out there.

Yeosang snorts and Jongho and Yunho crack a smile. "You deserved it," San whispers in his best friend's ear. Seonghwa's face flashes an impressive look, he has respect for anyone who he thinks has the ability to put Wooyoung in his place.

Annyeong, Daisy! [Ateez Fanfiction] ✓Where stories live. Discover now