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Mystery POV:

Soojin received a text early in the morning from Jongho saying he'd have breakfast at hers. He was going to go for a morning routine Instagram live. Soojin was more than happy to hear and they fixed a comfortable timing before she would have to get ready for work.

And that's how it is Seonghwa that she sees bringing their trash out today. 

"Hey!" she says, enthused meeting him in private after two days since they became a couple. Seonghwa said he wasn't yet ready to disclose the news to the others. Soojin supported, but she was very curious why. She didn't bother about it much then, she herself thought it'd be great for them to say that to the others together and formally. But now, two days has passed and she noticed that they had already skipped plenty of opportunities when they could've done that yet Seonghwa would act as if there's nothing going on between the two when in the group's company.

"Hii," he smiles. "Jongho went out today, so I took the liberty to do the task."

"Because you wanted to meet me alone?" she teases.


"Oppa, you can see me alone whenever you want. You don't have to do it like it's a forbidden love from the 1800s, you know. We can't have privacy in your house, but there's sure a lot of it in mine. Just me, you and the kittens," Soojin says. It wouldn't be entirely wrong if I say that she's hurt because of how he's being. Even I don't know what this boy's trying to do. I thought Soojin was the only stupid one.

"I'll do that then. I'll visit you tomorrow. It's your day off and you'll be home the whole day," he says.

She sighs.

"What?" he asks.

"Men are so stupid," she whines. Speak for your kind, human girl, I'm no stupid.

 "Do you really not see what I'm saying?" she asks.

Seonghwa's face harbour confusion.

"Are you unhappy with something I said? Or do you not want me to visit you?" he asks.

"Aish, I can't believe I have to spell it out to you," she says. "Oppa, visit me more, okay? I would be very very happy if you do that a lot. If you visit me, pay attention to me, and most importantly let others see that too. I don't like that we've not told the others about our relationship yet. I don't like you pretending you don't like me like that when with all of them, it doesn't feel too good. Are you not comfortable with presenting me as your girlfriend?" She looks down at the ground, all her insecurities seeping through her.

"Daisy! Why do you even think that? It's not like that at all," Seonghwa panics and hugs her. "If anything, the reason I'm not telling them is actually the opposite. Don't think anything like that, alright? You don't know how happy I am to have you as my girlfriend. You don't know how shocked I was when you confessed. I thought it would never happen, that I had no chance with you at all."

"Really?" she asks.


"I thought I had no chance with you too. We have the same dynamic. Are we soulmates?" she chuckles. You really aren't. Only one human in many millions are assigned a soulmate, and you are not that special human kids. Even I don't have one.

"Who knows, maybe we are," Seonghwa says.

Soojin makes a fake disgusted face. "Don't be cheesy, you romantic boy," she whines.

She then goes back serious. "Seriously, why are we still waiting to tell them?"

"We'll tell them within this week, alright? I'll tell you the reason tomorrow when I come over, if you want me to that is."

Annyeong, Daisy! [Ateez Fanfiction] ✓Where stories live. Discover now