25 - Finale

183 12 10

Mystery POV:

It took so much pains having to endure waiting outside in lines and to go through all the security procedures to finally enter the hall where the fansign will be conducted. 

Now Soojin is finally able to rest her bottom after standing on her feet for so long. The fans are seated in rows, they all have a number assigned to them. Soojin sits all by herself amongst the ladies(majorly), most of who seem to be talking with their peers beside, probably friends or company. Ateez are not here yet. 

Soojin busies herself on the phone. Sooyoung's constant messages pressing for updates have been popping up but she decides to ignore it. She's rather busy chatting with her friends. 

When I say friends I, of course, mean fellow Atinys on the internet chatrooms she's close with. They are obviously making sure to tell Soojin that they're jealous and are hungry for information. And Soojin needs distractions like these when she's in public alone. But now, she needs it more. She's going to face the boys she used to call her family. Her heart's already beating erratic and the boys are not even here yet.

The Ateez members finally arrive taking in all the excited hollers from the yelling fans. They smile and bow and say introductory words before they seat themselves indicating the fans to get seated themselves too. Soojin's phone keeps pinging from the repeated messages from the chatroom, she leaves it unattended. She's too busy staring at them. She's not entirely sure if this type of treatment will ensure any closure to her. She wishes she could go hug them tight. She doesn't wanna get emotional and carried away. Inside she's crying already but on the outside, she has a perfect facade of an emotionless face. She just raises her phone to take pictures of the boys.

While the other fans are doing the same with excited smiling faces as they try to be respectful trying not to block the people behind from doing the same, there's Soojin who's stretching her hands unapologetically to take just two pictures with her emotionless cold face. She gets a few judgemental looks from the others around.

Soojin's become colder than before after waking up. The whole point of the previous part of the mission was to bring change into her. And I can assure it did. Just not in the positive way I wanted, just why I'm a bit curious about how this will all proceed. There are positive changes, yes, but it's not worth the work of creating the world of Daisy. Soojin is now more confident, she carried that trait from her life as Daisy. And the habit of self-care. Not that she did much makeup and stuff living as Daisy then, but now she feels the want to look like how Daisy looked. 

She now takes care of her hair and skin. She wears makeup now. And most obvious of all, she has finally lost weight. When she woke up from the coma, she found herself the thinnest she's ever been in her life. She set that as a milestone to keep working to progress to Daisy, looks-wise. And now is how the result looks like. Soojin's in the slimmest but healthiest physical form of herself right now, she doesn't have that perfect curves that Daisy had. And she might never, considering that trait in Daisy was just an unrealistic addition to the naturally modified body of Soojin; I designed Daisy to look like that.

She dressed fairly well today. No, her dressing style didn't change. It's just that Sooyoung forced her to wear something better than her usual look. The ugly fake glasses that she wore to look nerdy never left her though. She's still wearing glasses right now, but a different, stylish, golden-framed one.

My least favourite setback in her change is the fact that the boundary walls she so dearly kept earlier, it is now higher and stronger than ever. Man, she's a task.


The fansign begins. The front row of fans begins to clear the seats to line up near Ateez.

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