Chapter 17

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I have a very interesting dream to say the least. I was first on a plane but I wasn't sure where I was going. Everything was going well until I realized Harvey was also on the plane. Suddenly it got dark. Lightning flashing, wind blowing, the plane starts shaking.

All of a sudden I'm at Kaden and Dane's house, they're arguing over what person they think is a better actress then Tate comes in and tells me I need to go home because Jàime is having the baby. I go home and Jàime is playing a life simulation game where she or her character anyway, is giving birth.

I'm in my room and I close the door behind me, I walk into my bed. I thought I was standing straight up but then I'm laying down. From there it turned into a very realistic sex dream about Dane, who then turns into Kaden, then Kaden turns into Damien. Just then my alarm goes off.

I rub my eyes then dismiss the alarm. As I hold my phone I sleepily stare at the clock on my phone for a moment before I set my phone on my end table. I think back to my dream then shake my head at how ridiculous it was then I finally roll out of bed.

I take a look out of my bedroom window, a light frost still on my window panes from the night before, the sun comes up and melts it away as if it weren't even there in the first place. It's moments like this, little moments, seemingly so insignificant that I think I would miss most if I were gone. My thoughts trail back to my dream.

I shake the dirty thoughts that come with it, I feel a slight twinge of disgust that I would even dream of Damien that way. He may look like Dane and Kaden but his personality is just a huge turn off. It's just I don't really see Damien in a sexual way so it seemed odd to me. I go into the bathroom. I comb then throw my hair up in a ponytail, throw on some yoga pants, a sports bra and a t-shirt. Lastly I put on a hoodie, grab my keys and head to How you Bean for coffee before I go to the manor. As I buzz in to the manor at the main gate, I look up through the gate to see Nathan is waiting for me by the front door. I drive up, park my car then shut my car off. I get out and walk up to him.

"You're late. I said 5am." Nathan says. I check my phone. 5:02am.

"By two minutes?" I ask with a chuckle.

"What did you have for breakfast?" Nathan asks. I hold up my cup of coffee and shake it a little.

"Coffee? That is what you had for breakfast.." Nathan scoffs.

"Well, I don't really eat in the morning. I don't like to and if I did, I'd be even more late than two minutes." I say jokingly.

"Get inside and eat." Nathan says as he opens the door and holds it open for me.

"It's fine. Thanks though." I say to him. He stares at me disapprovingly and nods to go inside. I oblige.

"You need energy to burn. To get energy you need to eat. No breakfast and you'll be down within the first three minutes of training." Nathan says.

"I practically go all day without eating sometimes and I have energy just fine." I say.

"With strenuous activities, you will crash." Nathan says.

"Fine. If you say so." I say.

Nathan and I walk into the kitchen where Lizzie is cooking. Isabelle waits patiently to get a plate. Nathan walks over to Lizzie and kisses her cheek. Izzy notices me standing in the door way, she runs up to me and hugs me tightly. Izzy grabs my hand and leads me to a seat next to her. I sit down and Lizzie puts plates of food in front of Izzy and I.

"Blueberry pancakes?" I ask Lizzie.

"Yeah, what's wrong? You don't like pancakes? I can make something else." Lizzie says.

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