Chapter 43

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As I sit in the archive of the library and wait for the time to come to face Lucifer, the hours tick by slowly. I told Nathan and Jenise I was going to do research on Lucifer to see if there was a trap or a cage to hold him so I didn't have to kill him but that isn't all I did. While I was here I searched for a way to save Harvey from his darkness. But all I can think about is the fact that I don't even know how I'm going to face Damien after if I do kill Lucifer. Do I tell him? Do I wait? Should I even tell him?

As I get lost in my thoughts my attention is drawn back to the old books in front of me. Darkness Rehabilitation Spell. As I read it, thinking back to Jekyll and Hyde, I quickly realize the reason Dr. Jekyll couldn't cure himself or Mr. Hyde. The cure he was searching for was, for him, always scientific. He never looked into anything beyond that. Thinking as a scientist I take it he didn't think to look for any magical or herbal remedies. The Darkness Rehabilitation spell requires a super rare power and also a flower that can only be found in the Appalachian Mountains. Lilium grayi otherwise known as the Orange Bell Lily. As I'm reading I can see my phone light up out of the corner of my eye so I pick it up to see a text from Nathan.

Nathan- It's 5:20. Where are you?

Me- I'm still at the library trying to search the archives for another solution to the Lucifer problem. There is a cage that can hold him.

Nathan- Gem, we gotta do this now, before Lucifer realizes the tie was severed between him and Harvey.

Me- The cage though, I can get it and be there, I just need some extra time.

Nathan- That cage hasn't been found in many, many decades, people who have searched for it have found nothing but death. If we wait, Lucifer might bond himself back with Harvey and then that gives him more time to gather up his army. We don't have time to find this cage. I wouldn't even know where to begin to look.

Me- If I could just.. idk find something that is linked to it, I might be able to find it.

Nathan- We're out of options. The pack and clan haven't gotten back to William so we can't count on that. And why do you want to spare Lucifer anyways?

Me- I don't. I just thought.. idk. Damien is why.

Nathan- He chose his side. If he didn't want his father dead then he'd be against us.

Me- Fine. I want the guys and Jàime to stay away from this. Just us and William.

Nathan- That's fine by me. But you might need the back up.

Me- I have you, Jenise and William. That's all the back up I need.

Nathan- If we wait any longer then we will need the back up. You remember the plan?

Me- I go to the crossroads and summon Lucifer, tell him that I will surrender and do what he wants as long as he leaves you all out of it. Then I kill him. Simple.

Nathan- Not simple. He will send one of his minions first and you have to get past them.

Me- I got this.

Nathan- We will be there on standby. Get there.

I don't text back. Instead I gather up my belongings and head to the crossroads. Nathan and Jenise already brought the materials I'll need to summon Lucifer so that is one less thing I have to stress about. The only problem is that they can't be seen so they're leaving a bag for me up the road from the summoning place.

Once I get there I grab the bag and walk down the road. The area is a heavily wooded desolate area where no one treads. At least not anyone who doesn't wish to sell their soul for whatever it is their heart desires. Which never even works out how they plan. Lucifer and his minions are tricksters. They'll give you what you want with some kind of sick twist if you're not clearly specific on what you want. You have to be smarter than them.

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