Chapter 9

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Dane walks over and sits down next to me.

"If you didn't want to stay the night with me that's all you had to say." Dane says.

"It's not that I didn't want to. I did. It's just that something came up." I say.

"Is it that?" Dane asks. "Because you don't have to be embarrassed about it around me." Dane says.

"I just took a bath, how can you even smell me?" I ask.

"It's not that you smell bad. Other people can't smell you but since we have heightened senses Kaden and I can, Tate and Miles could too. It just smells like blood, just like if you cut your finger but the scent of you is mixed with it so it smells different than a wound kind of cut. It smells sweeter than a wound. It's not the first time I've noticed, it won't be the last." Dane explains.

"It's just when you're a girl and you have it, being home is the most comfortable. My pain meds, heating pad, feminine products, and all that is here. I'd feel weird having that all at your house, Kaden offered to go to the store for me even but it's embarrassing so I asked Kaden to bring me home." I explain.

"Is he staying?" Dane asks.

"He is gonna lay down and watch movies with me." I say.

"So that's a yes." Dane says.

"Yeah, but only if you stay too." I say.

"Do you want me to?" Dane asks.

"I wouldn't have asked if I didn't." I say.

"I need to talk to Kaden first." Dane says.

"I can go get him or you guys can talk in my room. I'll wait till you're done. Just come get me?" I ask.

"I can talk to him outside if you wanna go lay down." Dane says.

"I was gonna order Chinese food anyways, I haven't eaten dinner yet, so you're fine. Go ahead." I say as I dial the number on my phone. Dane goes upstairs to talk to Kaden as I call to order food. About ten minutes later Kaden and Dane come downstairs and sit down with me.

"You guys good? I kind of have a weird vibe." I say.

"Yup." Dane says with a little bit of annoyance behind his voice.

"You guys wanna wait down here for dinner or do you want to go upstairs, start a movie then I can just come back down stairs and get it when it gets here?" I ask.

"Don't matter." Kaden says.

They're not talking much. Not as much as they usually do.

"You guys-" I start to say when I get a really bad cramp in my lower stomach. I grab the side of my stomach then inhale sharply then I exhale.

"You okay?" Dane asks.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I say as I stand back up.

"Go lay down. I'll wait for the food. Dane, go with her." Kaden says.

"I'm fine, this is normal." I say.

"Still, you should go lay down." Kaden says. I sigh then listen to him anyways.

Dane stands up and waits for me to walk over to the stairs. When I get there he walks up the stairs with me to my room. He asks if I need anything so I point to my heating pad. He grabs it and hands it to me.

"Thank you." I say as I sit on my bed then lay it over my stomach.

"Need anything else?" Dane asks.

I shake my head no then pat my bed for him to come sit by me.

"I'm sorry if things seem off with Kaden and I. I didn't know you weren't feeling good so I was kind of being a dick to him on the phone." Dane says.

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