Chapter 6

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                                                               ~Jàime's Point of View~

"I didn't know he was here, let alone was listening." I say.

"What were you saying?" Tate asks.

"We were talking about everything that happened between Miles, Dane and Kaden. I asked if she had to choose between Kaden, Dane and Miles and one had to die who she would choose to live." I say.

"Who did she choose?" Dane asks.

"She didn't really say but she told me I already knew who she would choose." I say.

"And it wasn't him?" Kaden asks with a smirk.

"Don't get cocky. Gemma is pissed so who knows what she would do if she saw you smiling right now." I say.

"She would probably throw something at him." Tate jokes as he turns the stereo down.

"Yeah, she-" I start to say but Kaden cuts me off.

"Shhh." Kaden says.

"What?" I ask him.

"Crying?" Tate asks quietly. I look at him confused.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"I heard it too. I think she just sobbed." Dane says sadly.

"Gemma?.. Gemma did?" I ask in disbelief. I know she never cries unless it's something really hurting her so it is almost unbelievable.

"Yeah." Tate says.

"I'll go check on her." I say.

I walk up the stairs and knock on Gemma's door.

"Yeah?" She says as she opens the door and walks out. Her nose and eyes tinted pink from crying, her top lip slightly swollen and tinted a light red around the edge but she tries to hide it.

"You okay?" I ask her.

"Yeah. I'm fine." She says with no emotion as she walks past me.

I follow behind her as she goes down stairs to the boxes of alcohol Kaden and Dane brought back from Halloween night then she opens a bottle of Jack and drinks it straight from the bottle. She grabs her phone and plays 'I'm so bored By Billie Eilish', it plays over the stereo and she turns it up. She takes another swig of Jack.

"You wanna talk?" I ask her.

"No." She says.

"You want a drinking buddy? We can go to your room, or mine and drink, we can talk. Ya know, if you wanna just be alone away from the guys?" I suggest. She hands me the bottle. I take a sip and hand it back to her. Even though Jack isn't really my cup of tea I drink it.

"Drinking buddy, yes. Talking no." She says. She lays on the couch bed, drinks and stays quiet. I follow behind her and sit down.

"Let's play something else. This music is depressing." I say. She chuckles and unlocks her phone. She plays 'I Prevail- Worst part of me' and she starts singing it.

"That is not any better. What is this? Your Emo phase playlist?" I ask her.

"It's not a phase." She says. I laugh.

"You haven't played this song since.." I say, hoping that I'm not right and she isn't in that dark place again. She sighs.

"You sure you're okay?" I ask her again.

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