Chapter 41

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Before I can even dream I wake up to Gemini calling my name outside of my door.

"Yeah?" I shout to her sleepily.

"Did I wake you?" Gemini asks through my door.

"No, I wasn't sleeping, just was resting my eyes." I say as I rub my eyes. I get up and open my door, keeping my distance from Gemini.

"I called mom. She said that they got Harvey and Lucifer unlinked finally so they'll be on the way back here to talk about that ring." Gemini says.

"Did you tell her anything else? Like what he said about it?" I ask.

"She said she will try, there's no guarantee that it will work. But there is a spell to make your finger fall off and then you will grow a new one. Worst case scenario if it doesn't work, there's always that." Gemini says.

"That sounds kinda gnarly." I say.

"Dude! You were about to use a steak knife to cut your finger off and you think that your finger falling off and growing back is gnarly?!" Gemini asks with a chuckle.

"Yeah, you're right. It was a crazy idea." I say with a chuckle.

"Crazy but smart. I mean, I would have done the same." Gemini says.

"Gotta fight crazy with crazy, right?" I say.

"I just can't believe that even after you killed him he is still so obsessed. You'd think he'd wanna kill you." Gemini says.

"To be fair, he killed me first." I say.

"I have a feeling that him killing you was planned, but you killing him wasn't. He thought he would survive." Gemini says.

"What do you mean?" I ask confused.

"I don't know, I just, it's a feeling I have. Ever since the chemo was over, I've had a bad feeling, like I knew something bad was coming but I didn't know what. I thought it was just my imagination running wild, overthinking maybe. But I have a gut feeling again, it's far from over." Gemini says.

"With, everything." Gemini continues.

"I need a vacation." I sigh jokingly.

"Don't we all?" Gemini says with a chuckle.

"Maybe once things cool down we could." I say.

"That won't be for a long time." Gemini says.

"Okay. Sounds like you know something I don't.. Explain to me exactly what it was you thought." I say. Gemini sighs.

"It was more a 'what if' scenario. It wasn't just random like something that just popped into my head. I was thinking about everything going on then my thoughts trailed off to the what if's. It's hard to explain. But I think part of me knew it was something to do with Harvey. I don't know how or that I even knew, I just did." Gemini says.

"That just confused me even more to be honest. I get what you're saying but I mean did you like, see it happening or just was worrying and thought it? I don't know." I say.

"I didn't see it like a day dream or in this case a day nightmare kind of thing. I just was thinking that if he came back he'd be even more pissed and will come after everyone if he found a way to even come back. So I guess a thought and a gut feeling. Ya know, like when something is off and you know it is but you don't know what and you have this huge twisting knot in your stomach that makes you feel sick." Gemini says.

"Yeah, I get that. I've felt that too." I say.

"Well, I'm gonna head back downstairs. Do you want me to come back up and get you when Nathan and Jenise get here?" Gemini asks.

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