Chapter 44

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~~~~~~Gemma's Point Of View~~~~~~

This torture has been going on for what feels like days now. Maybe it has, honestly I just don't know or remember. It's nonstop torture. I'm holding on but it all seems pointless when I'm just going to suffer and there isn't anything I, or anyone else, for that matter, can do. I feel like giving in but I know if I do, If i shut my emotions off, I may lose myself completely to the darkness so I hold on to some kind of hope that a miracle happens.

But the more time that passes I feel more and more like that won't ever come. God has interfered before, so why isn't he now? I'm too exhausted to let this continue. I think I may actually be dying again and if I am, if I resurrect, I'll just still be pushed towards the darkness. I have no choice but to hang on.

"Well, torture didn't work. It's been a week we've been at it nonstop and you won't crack so, now, I guess I'll have to start going after your family and friends." Lucifer says.

"Just let me go. You don't need me." I say.

"Oh, but I do. You promised me an heir. No harm has come to your friends or family. Damien is fine. So. Turn it off or I'm going to void our deal and send Harvey to kill one of them." Lucifer says.

"We didn't make a deal. It was never sealed." I say.

"I'm the King of Hell, dear. I don't need a seal." Lucifer says.

"What happens if I turn it off? I won't even be me anymore, will I?" I ask.

"You will, you just won't care anymore. Or feel. Then we can get down to business." Lucifer says.

"If I shut it off there's a darkness that follows me around. One worse than the darkness Harvey faces. If I shut my emotions off, I let it in, then there's no going back." I say.

"Ugh. I do not care." Lucifer says annoyed.

"Harvey!" Lucifer shouts. Harvey comes in.

"Yeah?" He asks.

"Go kill one of them. Might I suggest the smallest one, what was his name? EJ?" Lucifer says. Harvey goes to leave but stops when I speak.

"No! Wait!" I shout as I fight to grab the front of the cage. I finally get a grip.

"Oh, I have your attention now, don't I?" Lucifer asks.

"He's a baby. You can't." I say hopeful I can get through to him.

"I don't know what rainbow unicorn sunshiny world you're living in, but babies die all the time. What's one more?" Lucifer asks with a seriousness in his words. I know I'm not going to get through to him so I give in.

"H-how do I do it?" I ask.

"Really?! That's all it took? You withstand pure hell torture and that's all it would have taken?" Lucifer asks.

"If can't get out of here, I can't help them. If I shut it off, you'll leave them all alone?" I ask.

"I will leave them all alone." Lucifer says.

"Then I will give in. So, how do I do it?" I ask. Lucifer goes quiet as if he is thinking.

"Concentration is key. Just wipe them away." Lucifer says.

I do as he says and I fail two times before I finally feel everything just wash away like an ocean tide pulling blood into itself as it washes away the shore. I feel nothing, I care about nothing, I care about no one, I love no one. All I feel is the sensation of being cold. My hands are cold, my feet, my legs, my arms, my whole body but I don't care.

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