Chapter 34

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It's been a week since I gave the kids back to Nathan. All I can hear in my place is the silence and it screams so loud for being so quiet. Half the time I am elsewhere because it just makes me miss them even more being home and them not being here. The three weeks I had the kids, three weeks of getting used to hearing Izzy laughing in the next room, her little face peeking into our room asking me to play with her or EJ fuzzing because he wants to be held or sung to and now I don't hear either and I miss it. I miss them. I know that I can see them whenever I want to but it's not the same as having them all day, nearly every day, all week.

When I had them, that was my life, my whole life. I guess when you get in a routine that's what you're used to and when it all changes it just takes time to get used to the change. In the time I was caring for the kids, Gemini got her donor, turns out our mother was a perfect match. She had her bone marrow transplant. So far she is doing well but we still have to wait to see what happens with that. Her doctors are hopeful and say that she is doing amazingly with it so far.

Since I got that inheritance from Mae, I bought a house for Jenise. Maybe now she can finally put down roots and live. She still lives in fear of William, which I went through that with Harvey so I know exactly how she feels. The difference is I can rest knowing Harvey is gone. William, I'm not sure what he has been up to or what his next move is. Magda went back to her place as soon as she got a new improved protection spell to protect her. She's been laying low and basically keeping a low profile so no one even knows she's back yet aside from Jenise and Gemini. Jàime didn't see her when she stayed at the house and doesn't even know. Magda and I still talk everyday.

With William being out there, It got me thinking since Damien and I aren't training anymore, or seeing each other, and haven't since that night Kaden was helping me with EJ, I still need to be able to fight so I got back into training. I have a mixed martial arts trainer, Jenna. She says she thinks I don't even need training but it keeps me busy so I continue to train. The next time I come across William, I will be ready to fight him, and win.

Of course Jenna doesn't know what I am or about anything supernatural and it's a refreshing change. Her and I talk about normal things that women our age should be talking about. I've only known her for a short time but her and I have been hanging out after sessions just to grab a smoothie, sometimes a coffee, and talk. She is a genuinely nice person but she doesn't take anyone's shit which that is what I like most about her.

We mostly talk about fighting but sometimes we talk about past relationships and all that drama. We never mentioned any names for the sake that we both said that the past is the past and exes should be left there. Other than that Jenna has been trying to get me to join a fighting championship but because I am supernatural I feel like I'd have an advantage over everyone so I keep telling her no and making up some kind of a story why I can't. She's a fighter in a few championships and says she would love to go against me in a real but friendly match to see what I've got without me holding back. Fighting being a profession, it's not really my cup of tea. I fight if I have to, for survival, and that is where Jenna and I differ because she does this for fun.

I've seen her fight other people when I come in for training. There's something about her fighting though, she seems like she is angry when she fights. Like something happened to her and that is why she picked up fighting so maybe her and I aren't so different. She hasn't really opened up to me about it. We keep the conversation light and casual when we talk. She hasn't met my friends which is good. I know that sounds kind of mean but I don't mean it that way. It's just things get so crazy sometimes and I would like to have one human friend who is separate from the group of my supernatural friends.

She is a well kept secret and I'd like to keep it that way. As the weeks progress on I get to know her more personally but still not too personally. She is very guarded. Which I am the same way so I get it. I've noticed that even though we talk about our past relationships sometimes she never really talks about her present personal life like her boyfriend or girlfriend, what her sexual orientation is, anything, which I find odd. As Jenna and I sit and sip on our smoothies we are approached by someone.

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