Chapter 25

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"Why don't you just move back here? You know we have the room." Tate says.

"You know why I can't do that." I say.

"Because of Kaden and I?" Dane asks.

"For many reasons." I say.

"You can't do everything yourself, ya know." Tate says.

"I always have and I always will." I say.

"Why are you so goddamn stubborn?" Dane asks.

"Why not?" I ask him.

"Because it just makes things harder than they have to be." Kaden says.

"I like a challenge." I say.

"Listen, if you want to come back, we can figure things out." Tate says.

"I don't, Tate. No offense but it's less stressful that way." I say.

"That and you can have your boyfriend over without hurting our feelings." Kaden says. They must still not know it's Damien's place.

"Damien isn't my boyfriend." I say annoyed.

"What do you call him then?" Kaden asks.

"Nothing. Damien." I say.

"Guys stop hassling her." Jàime says as she brings over Gemini's stuff.

"Just asking questions." Tate says. Jàime scoffs.

"Here, I got her clothes, her comforter, toothbrush, things like that." Jàime says.

"Thanks." I say as I reach for the stuff. Jàime gives me a dirty look.

"No. I'm bringing it over." Jàime says.

"You don't have to do that, really." I say.

"I know, I want to." Jàime says. I smile at her and oblige.

"Ya know, like the guys said.. Your room is still available. Maybe you should just come back home and you can still work with Damien, we can just figure out a way to keep him and the guys separated." Jàime says. I sigh.

"I don't wanna talk about that right now. Right now, I really wish I could do something, anything to help Gemini but I know it's not that simple. I don't want to leave her side, just in case something.." I start to say then I stop myself.

"I have to think about it. Okay?" I say changing the subject.

"Oh, Jàime asks and you just give in but we ask and it's no.." Tate says.

"You warmed her up to the idea but 'I'll have to think about it' isn't a definite yes." Jàime says to Tate.

"I don't know. I probably won't. I've just been dealing with a lot. It seems like moving back here will just add to it. Besides, who is gonna take care of Gemini?" I ask.

"I'm sure your mom will be taking care of her and before you say it, if anything happens, she will call you. Your place is kinda far away, you said so yourself, so maybe coming home would be best." Jàime says.

"Can you not call her my mom. I don't even know her. Her name is Jenise." I say.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that, I just meant, she is your biological mom." Jàime says.

"Jàime, Damien doesn't even know I left yet, I can't just come back like that." I say before I can think about it, not realizing the guys are an earshot away and probably heard me.

"Wait, you were living with Damien?" Tate asks, confirming they did hear me. I fell my cheeks flush, embarassed.

"I- uh." I start to say but Jàime cuts me off.

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