Chapter 3

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I go back inside, close the door behind me, arm the system and lock the door. As I go to turn around I run into Dane who scares the hell out of me.

"Why were you outside?" Dane asks me.

"Um." I say hesitantly.

"Tell me?" Dane asks as he puts his arm above my head places his hand on the wall and leans towards me.

"It was Miles. I text him and told him I'm alive, he called me on facetime then hung up. Before I knew it he was knocking on the door." I say quietly.

"What did he want?" Dane asks as he moves a piece of my hair out of my face.

"Um. I guess he just had to see for himself that I was alive. He kissed me." I say quietly.

"He kissed you?" Dane asks, his jaw clenched.

"Yeah. I told him that I wanted to be friends and that I have feelings for someone else, two someone's." I say as I look up into Dane's eyes.

"What did he say about that?" Dane asks.

"What can he say? Nothing he can say or do can change how I feel." I say.

"Silly dude." Dane says with a smirk.

"You're not mad?" I ask.

"Why would I be? Because he stole a kiss?" Dane asks.

"I don't know, just thought you'd be mad." I say.

"I'm not happy about it, no. But, I'm one of the someone's who you have feelings for. So why be mad?" Dane asks.

"What if I said you weren't?" I ask him, toying with him. He leans in closer to me, his lips almost touching mine.

"Then I know you'd be lying." Dane whispers. I bite my lip, I can feel my heart beating faster.

"Well, I-" I start to say then Dane grabs the back of my neck, he kisses me. I bring my hands up and interlock them behind his head, pulling him to me, as he pulls me to him as we kiss we lose ourselves in each other, suddenly the kitchen light flips on.

"Shit." I say.

"My bad, I didn't see you two, Just getting a drink. What are you doing up anyways, besides apparently making out?" Jàime asks.

"Uh, I couldn't sleep. Then Miles stopped by. Dane woke up and yeah. Here we are." I chuckle.

"See. Condoms." Jàime laughs.

Dane smirks, then puts his head down to hide it and lets out a quiet little chuckle.

"Oh my God. Do you ever just.. Not?" I say to Jàime embarrassed. She shrugs and laughs again.

"I'm going to bed." I say as I grab Dane's hand and lead him upstairs.

"Mmhm. Have fun." Jàime says jokingly.

"Ass." I say under my breath as Dane and I walk upstairs. Dane chuckles.

I get to my door, open it then we go inside my room. I let go of Dane's hand and crawl into bed. Dane follows behind me climbing on the bed and laying to my right while Kaden is on my left. We lay in bed for a half hour then I hear Dane say my name.

"Gemma? You awake?" Dane asks.

"Yeah." I answer him quietly.

"I'm not even tired now." Dane says as we lay in the darkness.

"Me either. Wanna go watch TV?" I ask.

"Only if you come with me." Dane says.

"Yeah. Well, I planned on it." I chuckle.

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