Chapter 28

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After the initial shock that followed the bad news, a nurse came up to Nathan and I and asked if we could follow her to do the paper work for the hospital. She said afterwards if we would like to go in to see the baby and Lizzie we could.

Lizzie's lawyer comes into the room with a stack of papers in a folder. He dismisses the nurse then tells me I was the only one listed as Lizzie's health care proxy and the only adult in her will so the decision making was ultimately up to me when it came to her funeral arrangements. The strange thing is this will was made a month ago.

The lawyer asked Nathan if he would step out because Lizzie's will specifically asked that the will is discussed in private with just me and the lawyer in the room. Nathan was upset but he didn't throw a fit. I plan to include him in the decision making aspect of all of this anyways.

After all, Lizzie may have been my mother, the baby may have been my brother, but Nathan loved them both too and this isn't easy for him either.

"Lizzie left all her belongings to be split up equally between you and Isabelle. She had a life insurance policy so there is also money that will be split between you and Isabelle. However, Isabelle isn't to touch the money until she is 18 years of age. It will be deposited until she is of age to withdraw it." The lawyer says.

"Now we need to discuss the matter of the custody of Isabelle. I know you are capable of raising her and Lizzie also believed this. She requested you to be the legal guardian of Isabelle. Of course my job isn't to sideline your life so if you wish to discuss the options for her living situation we can also do that." The lawyer says.

Izzy. I almost forgot about Izzy. How do I tell her? I'm not fit to raise a toddler, kid, child, whatever. I don't even know what age bracket she is in. I'd be pulling her away from her home, away from Nathan if I took her but can I even choose to have Nathan care for her?

"Miss. Milos?" The lawyer says pulling me away from my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I say as I look up at him. I wonder if he can tell I'm completely and utterly fucking lost.

"The burial. Which funeral home would you like their bodies prepared at? Which cemetery or which method of burial would you like to be done?" The lawyer asks.

"Bodies?" I ask.

"Yes. Lizzie and the baby's bodies." The lawyer says.

"Um." I say trying to process what we are even talking about.

"Also you get to name the baby. We will need it for his death certificate." The lawyers says.

I can feel the blood leave my face. As if all my blood just evaporated into thin air. I feel sick and the room starts to spin.

"I-I need a minute." I say as I stand up. As soon as I'm on my feet everything goes black.

The next thing I know I'm laying on the floor with Nathan and the lawyer standing next to me. I look to my right and see a nurse who is squat down next to me and is holding a white tube by my face.

"There she is." The nurse says. I start to sit up but she puts her hand on my shoulder and tells me not to sit up too fast.

"You fainted." Nathan says.

"It's probably all the stress from today. She is overwhelmed." The nurse says as she helps me to a chair.

"Can everyone just go out of the room so I can talk to Nathan. Please." I say as I look at the nurse and lawyer. The lawyer looks at the nurse as if to ask if that is okay. She nods then they both leave the room.

"You okay, Kiddo? You took quite a spill." Nathan says worriedly.

"Yeah. He just had a lot to say and I'm still trying to process. I think my brain had all it could take. With all of this with William, my contract, the news of Gemini's cancer, then Lizzie and the baby I think my brain just needed a reset or something." I say as I rub my eyebrows.

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