Chapter 39

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"What took so long?" Jàime asks.

"I was talking to Nathan and Jenise." I say.

"How'd that go?" Tate asks.

"It went ok. They're at Nathan's house now. Jenise wasn't on board at first but now she is." I say.

"Well, it's a good thing she is. You're gonna need the help." Tate says.

"Yeah. I just hate bringing everyone into it, ya know?" I say.

"I don't like having to leave. I know Kaden, Dane and even Damien have your back, but still. I don't like it." Tate says.

"Let me just say I don't like this either.. I have a bad feeling." Jàime says.

"It'll be fine, Jàime." I say.

"You don't know that." Jàime says.

"Are you guys ready?" I ask, changing the subject.

"Yeah." Tate says as he reaches for and grabs his bag of clothes. Jàime picks up hers as well but does so as if she were annoyed and is being forced to go. I roll my eyes and ignore her.

I teleport Jàime and Tate to the cabin. Gemini sees Jàime and immediately starts asking why she is here. Before they can even get into it I leave. I feel bad but it's not my place to get involved. That's just something they'll have to work out amongst themselves. I go to Magda's and explain the situation to her and before I even finish she tells me she saw what Harvey did to me so in her words "Hell yeah, I'm on board. Let's get rid of this fucker for good." I bring her to the cabin and then I go back home. Jàime told Tate Magda was alive and filled him in already so that's one less thing I have to explain. I go into my room and take a quick shower. When I get done I wrap a towel around me and go into my room to get clothes.

After I get my clothes I start to take my towel off to get dressed but am startled by a noise behind me. I whip around to see Damien sitting on my bed and fumbling with the snow globe that Jàime got me a few years ago that usually sits on my night stand.

"How was your shower?" Damien asks.

"Why do you do that?!" I ask annoyed as I tuck the corner of my towel back in, in between my cleavage then walk over to him, snatching the globe from him and setting it back on my end table.

"Do what?" Damien asks.

"Sneak up on me like that. What if I had of dropped my towel?" I ask.

"I wouldn't complain." Damien says with a devilish grin.

"Aren't you supposed to be mad at me for ignoring you?" I ask.

"I am, but if you do drop that towel.. all's forgiven." Damien says jokingly.

"Ha-ha." I say sarcastically as I cross my arms over my chest.

"When are you gonna just give in to me?" Damien asks.

"What do you want from me, Damien?" I ask him, I then look down at the floor. He stands up and walks over to me, gently grabbing my chin, making me look into his eyes.

"I want you." Damien says. His eyes simmering with that burning inferno that I've only ever seen when he's angry. This time it's different though, he's not angry. If I had to guess I'd say he had a longing look about him. Passionate even.

"What are you thinking about right now?" I ask him. I'm genuinely curious about what's on his mind.

"You." Damien says.

"Sexual thoughts probably." I say quietly. Damien sighs.

"I'm thinking about what it would be like to be with you, marrying you, having kids with you, spending my life with you." Damien says.

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