Chapter 21

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I barely sleep. I don't know where this man gets his energy from but he is so hard to keep up with. After being up all night with Damien, the dim reddish morning light shines through his curtains, I fall asleep while Damien gets up to work. I don't mind, it's probably best he doesn't actually sleep with me. But I'm starting to see I may have been wrong about him. This side of him makes me think maybe he is nothing like I thought. He can be cold, cruel, heartless, even, at times but being with him, like this, it's almost like he isn't even the same person.

I'm playing with fire here and I know it because it could be so easy for me to fall for him, even take things further if I let myself. I keep telling myself it's just a one time thing and he would never feel that way for me so it's best I don't overthink it. Damien doesn't sleep, he just works, trains with me and more recently pleasures me, never expecting anything in return.

I know what he is. I know I should be scared or afraid. I should be meticulous to the stories about his kind, we are taught they are evil, insidious and malicious, but I have never felt more safe with anyone. When I'm with him, I don't hurt. I feel untouchable when he is around and that feeling is something I need right now.

As I sleep I have a nightmare. I'm not sure what it's about but I remember the feeling of fright I have when I wake up. Damien is still gone. I get up, throw on some clothes and walk out to his kitchen. Another note.

Duty calls, had to get some work done, I'm gonna stop and grab a few things then I'll be back later.

He is always so casual, even in his notes. It feels as if maybe I even imagined everything but I know I didn't. I shake my head and set the note down. I wander his house and look at all the art work on the walls. His statues on shelves. Careful not to be too nosey.

I go to the living room and look around. Damien doesn't own a TV? I didn't even notice that before. Then again we have spent most of our time in the weight room, his office and his bedroom. That sounds so weird to say considering it wasn't even two days ago that he and I started being physical. Can I even consider myself a virgin anymore? We didn't have sex, well not really, he has just gone down on me but it hasn't been anything other than that. After all, no part of him has been in me.

Thinking about Damien's mouth on my body, I suddenly have the urge to call him and ask him to come home so we can go to his bedroom again but given the circumstances I think it may be crossing the line if I do.

I get my phone and sit on the couch. I want to turn it on, maybe watch Netflix on my phone but I know when, if, I do there is going to be a flood of texts and calls. Still I take a deep breath and turn my phone on. Sure enough I have to set my phone down and allow it to catch up for a few minutes because of all the messages, missed calls, and voicemails.

After waiting for a few minutes I pick my phone up and open my messages. While Gemini was out of line, I do feel bad for telling her to leave. Our whole argument to be honest was just ridiculous. I open her messages first.

Gemini- I'm really sorry. Can we talk please?

Gemini- I know I fucked up, I was being a straight up bitch. I didn't mean what I said. I don't even know why I said it. I understand why you want me gone and I will go, just please, can we not fight. You are the only family I have.

Gemini- Gemma, please. I'm sorry. It seems like everyone here is mad at me and things are so awkward. Come home?

Gemini- Jàime just had to go pick Kaden and Dane up from the bar, apparently they were trashed and fighting the patrons.

Gemini- They're here now. Jàime is pissed off. She just told me that it's not my fault you bolted again but she's wrong. It is my fault.

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