Chapter 27

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Damien reaches for my hand. I take his then we are in another place. It's not a place I've seen before so I don't know who we are going to collect or even where we are. Still I go along with it. I can hear someone talking faintly, on the phone maybe. I only hear one voice. I look at Damien and he nods as if to tell me to go ahead and do what we came here for.

I go out into a living room area and see long brown wavy hair. I recognize the person immediately. Letitia. She is talking on the phone saying how she is disappointed in the quality of one of her purses and asking for a refund.

"Letitia!?" I ask in a hushed tone.

"Supernatural." Damien says.

"How?" I ask.

"Vampire. She was changed." Damien says.

"She made a deal?" I ask. Before Damien can answer me he is interrupted.

"Who's there?" Letitia says. I stay quiet.

"I can smell you! I know that slut juice perfume anywhere!" She shouts. Still I stay quiet.

"Gemma." Letitia says. I know I've been caught so I step out from around the corner.

"Um, hi." I say. Letitia turns to look at me.

"What are you doing here? How did you get in here?" Letitia asks.

"You're not the only supernatural around." I say.

"What are you here for?" Letitia asks. Damien steps out from the shadows.

"She is here to repay her debt." Damien says.

"What if I decide I want to make a new deal? The way I see it is I can give you more souls than just mine. That's a lot of life sources.. Then what?" Letitia asks.

"That's right, I heard about you, Damien. I also know you don't turn down a deal when it's too good to be true." Letitia says.

Damien looks back at me as if he is thinking about it. I give him a look as if to say don't you dare. He stands there silently for a moment, thinking.

"What's in it for me?" Damien asks.

"Damien, don't." I warn him. He puts his finger up to me telling me to wait.

"I can kill Gemma's boyfriends, her friends, all the supernaturals she knows.. including her father and uncle... The Alpha's souls, two pureblood souls, a witch and a few Lycans.. if you let me live." Letitia says.

"Well, I'd have to say.." Damien says then he pauses.

"That isn't a good deal. It's not enough." Damien says. I can't believe what I'm hearing.

"Well wait, I can give you ten more souls with that for mine." Letitia says.

"There is nothing you can offer me that is worth what I will lose because of it." Damien says.

"What do you have to lose?" Letitia asks.

"Her." Damien says as he nods to me. Surprising me that he turned down a deal, that good, for me.

"Oh my God. What is it with this chick?! Why do you men turn into putty in her hands!?" Letitia shouts.

"Gemma. Come here." Damien says. I do as he asks.

"Kill her." Damien says. I start to step towards her but Damien grabs my hand. "You going to be able to do this?" Damien asks. I nod.

I look at Letitia and all I think about is how much of a bitch she was to me. I think about choking her. Snapping her neck like a popsicle stick.

Path Of Shadows: The AwakeningWhere stories live. Discover now