Chapter 26

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I lay on my bed and just wrack my brain trying to figure it out. To figure something, anything out. I think the answers I need are with the one person who I don't want to see right now unless I absolutely have to. Damien. Still I don't think I can even get it out of him. What can be so bad that he won't tell me how I can save her? He makes deals all the time. Why can't he for Gemini?

I know it's not exactly what someone should want, having their soul owned or sold for something in return but if they get to live their life then what is so bad about an eternity in Hell? I've been to Hell, it wasn't as horrible as I was told my whole life. In fact it's no different than life on Earth. Just is kinda plain when everything is under a red hue rather than in vibrant colors. I mean there are colors in Hell, it's just that it's like a pinkish red light shines down rather than a white hue from the sun like on Earth.

You'd have to see it to understand but it's not like it isn't easily adjustable for one to go from Earth to Hell. I don't see the difference. Maybe it's because I'm not human so it's different for me. I'm sure maybe someone else might feel differently but they also haven't seen Hell, they're just told to be afraid and they are.

Don't get me wrong, there is also a Heaven. I've never seen it but I know it's there. I've come close to it in the in between. The other side. It was more a feeling than anything but I was drawn to it and at one point I almost didn't want to come back because the curiosity of what it's like, the peace, my paradise was, almost, calling to me. I ignored it but the feeling was there.

I'm so lost in so many thoughts..

"Hey." Dane says as he shakes my shoulder.

"Yeah?" I say as I look up at him.

"Are you okay? I've been calling you and you didn't answer me. Must've been a good few minutes." Dane says.

"Sorry. I was.. thinking." I say.

"What about?" Dane asks.

"Just stuff." I say.

"You used to talk to me. You can still talk to me." Dane says.

"I know. Things are just.. different now." I say.

"Are you afraid to talk to me or Kaden because of him?" Dane asks.

"Because of who?" I ask.

"Damien." Dane says.

"No. Damien has no control over me, what I say, what I do, who I talk to. I just got used to.. not talking." I say.

"You didn't talk to him about things?" Dane asks.

"Damien and I, we had a complicated, I don't even know what to call it. We didn't talk. It was just training, contract, and well.. ya know." I say.

"Sex?" Dane asks. I blush and look away from him.

"I don't get that." Dane says.

"Don't get what?" I ask.

"The whole thing with you and him." Dane says.

"It was just.. um, then it was, uh, you know what, never mind, it's just not.. now." I say.

"Yeah, not confusing at all." Dane says sarcastically.

"He told me he is in love with me. After I confronted him about the whole Kaitlyn, deal thing." I say.

"Do you love him?" Dane asks, there is a sadness in his tone.

"You really want to have this conversation?" I ask.

"I wanna know, yes." Dane says.

"I care about him, I guess. I didn't let myself feel anything for him then I did but now, I don't know. It's just complicated." I say.

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