Chapter 7

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~Gemma's Point Of View~

I wake up in my bed, my head pounding like someone took a sledgehammer to it. I roll over to find my phone to check the time but I find a note under a bottle of water with aspirin next to it. The note read, 'Take these, drink the water then come down stairs when you're ready.' I'm not sure what happened last night. I remember everything up until I got out of the shower after Miles left. I remember how I was feeling when I got out. I remember being upset and feeling down.

I sigh then uncover myself. I'm cold so I grab Dane's hoodie that was thrown over my chair in the corner of my room. I put my arms in the sleeves and then put the rest of the hoodie over my head. As I pull it down over my face I can smell his cologne sending a tickle down to the bottom of my stomach, straight down. He smells so fucking good it's like a rush of endorphins surge over me, making me feel so good. He and Kaden are my drug and I, I just can't get enough.

I go to the bathroom then brush my teeth. I pull up the baggy sleeves of the hoodie and pull my pants down to relieve my full bladder while I hold the hoodie up at my waist. I finish up, pull my pants up then I wash and dry my hands. I pull the sleeves back down then I head downstairs where I see Jàime, Dane and Kaden all sitting at the dining table with food spread out on the table while they drink coffee and eat. Tate must be sleeping still which is expected, he did drink a lot.

"Morning, Sleepyhead." Jàime says to me as she pats the chair next to her. I go over and sit down next to her.

"You hungry?" She asks me as she grabs the plate in front of me.

"Kind of but not really." I say.

"Just try to eat a little bit." She says as she scoops a little bit of scrambled eggs on my plate then puts a slice of toast and a slice of bacon on my plate then places it back in front of me. Kaden pours me some coffee then sits across from me while Dane sits to the left of me. I mix my coffee then I take a sip of it, taking a bite of my toast after I do.

"So, what's going on?" I ask as I pull my feet up on my chair.

"What do you mean?" Jàime asks.

"Well, this is a big table, you could sit anywhere but you guys basically have me boxed in and are acting kinda shady." I say.

"Ok. I'll get right to it, then. Gemma.. Are you feeling like you did, before?" Jàime asks me.

"What?" I ask.

"You know what I'm asking. That song." Jàime says.

"And you told them?" I ask as I look at Kaden and Dane.

"She was worried about you. We all are." Dane says.

"Okay and I said I'm fine." I say to Dane.

"You had no business telling them, Jàime. That wasn't for you to tell." I say disappointed in her.

"Don't get mad at Jàime for being concerned for you, Gemma. She was right to be. You've been acting off." Kaden says.

I stand up. "And that means I'm gonna fucking off myself?!" I ask angrily.

"Sit down. You're gonna talk to us one way or another." Dane says.

"You're all fucking ganging up on me. I don't wanna talk to you, any of you!" I shout. Tate comes out of his room and asks why I'm yelling.

"Because of them!" I shout.

"Guys, just leave her be. Why are you all on her ass?" Tate asks.

"She is repeating old habits, like old suicidal habits." Jàime says to Tate.

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